
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

CITA Installation at the Danish Design Museum

An quick photo just after completing installation yesterday. More information soon! We used a great many tools: Plankton - Kangaroo2 (as Joey in beta) - Karamba for FE analysis - HAL for all robotic fabrication - Anemone for integrated feedback loops - Human for model visualisation + various tooling

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Comment by Florian von Wey-Lübeck on April 17, 2015 at 1:33am

CITA Rock´n´Roll as usual. You guys have an awesome Institutiuon there.

Comment by jjsolly on April 16, 2015 at 2:22am

This is awesome. Great stuff guys! 

Comment by Tudor Cosmatu on April 16, 2015 at 2:06am

Impressive David! Looking forward to a more detailed explanation. Great work!

Comment by Nick Tyrer on April 15, 2015 at 6:52am

Yes i saw the video, but at time didn't understand what the relationship between two skins was for. It really is an impressive structural system, i'm not sure if i've ever seen anything quite like it, but at same time the principle is so clean/simple that it makes sense. 

Maybe i should wait for documentation... So both skins are pentagonal, but the two layers in the simulation are intentionally trying to be unaligned, for maximum stiffness.

Comment by David Stasiuk on April 15, 2015 at 6:26am

Hi Nick...the tesselations on each skin have a number of new kangaroo "goals" driving them. They are simultaneously trying to be planar, trying to maintain their original pentagonal-tiling geometry, trying to avoid intersections with each other (both in separation between the skins, but also such that the vertices from the meshes on both skins repel each other in order to maximize the number of panels that any from one side will connect with via the cones with the skin on the other). It's aiming to work as a frameless stress-skin, with the cones managing the shear forces and providing structural depth. And you're pretty much right on: the connection cones and patterns used for local stiffening are robotically formed using single-point incremental forming (SPIF) from 0.5mm flat sheets. The varying depths were set using an initial structural analysis that looked at the whole as a single skin shell, with more space between the skins targeted in areas with higher bending forces. Kangaroo2 really let all of these constraints be solved quite quickly at once...that video I posted a little ways back was all real time. We'll post better photos and documentation soon!

Comment by Nick Tyrer on April 15, 2015 at 5:22am

So is there a relationship between the two sets of tessellations? Or... wild hypothesis... do the unrelated tessellations create an ever varying distance between the two skins, and the different sized cones create the appropriate sized bridging connections?





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