
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Comment by kavehoshkooh on September 24, 2015 at 8:21am
فوق العاده است فکر میکنم بافت سلولزی است
Comment by martyn hogg on September 21, 2015 at 12:57am

My first reply was to Hyungsoo Kim but it looks like we replied at almost exactly the same time so no need to apologise Kim Hauer; you didn't mislead and that is also a great coffee table!

Comment by Hyungsoo Kim on September 20, 2015 at 10:56pm

Thanks, martyn and Kim,

I used one of preset intralattice cell named "cross" and gradient type.

I like some other intralattice's features such as Adjust UV, clean network in utility tab, they are very useful for another task not just for intralattice's own job.

Regarding the pictures, It reminds me of pandora hometree in Avatar. ^^

Comment by Kim hauer on September 20, 2015 at 6:01pm

I'm sorry martyn, it was not my intent to mislead, this is one of several driftwood pieces I have
searched for on several craggy shores over the years, and turned into coffee tables. However there is no question they could be 3d scanned and replicated, but they wont smell like driftwood :)
The particular piece pictured is actually the same piece of driftwood. I like the inverted left view, however both can support a herb and moss garden or glass.

Alternatively it would be quite possible to use a simple, less dense, Intralattice 3d object, modify it in Meshmixer to accent more the organic nature of the struts, to make them more dissimilar, robust and branch like. ...cheers!

Comment by Kim hauer on September 20, 2015 at 1:47pm

I like Kim! ....Now all we have to do is wait till it wont cost a fortune to 3d print one of these :)
In the mean time here is one I re-assigned from mother nature. Requires a chainsaw and some woodworking skills.

Comment by martyn hogg on September 20, 2015 at 1:38pm

This is fantastic! Quite challenging to manufacture although as laser sintered wood printers get bigger and cheaper this could be a possibility!

Was this a custom cell in Intralattice or is it one of the standard ones?





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