
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

The image is informing the circle radii which are constraint to 5 sizes.

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Comment by Ilija Bentscheff on November 15, 2009 at 3:47am
to achieve a grid, you simply have to set the point component ( in which you plug to series into ) to cross reference. By default they are set to longest list. This will make a point grid.
I hope that helps.
Comment by Dmytro Lutsak on November 14, 2009 at 7:34am
thanks a lot for the explanation, but I stopped on the last step. I've got just a diagonal series of lines (height is ok, like it should be) but it's not a grid. Unfortunately I don't quite understood how it to finish, and don't know what to do next.
Please, take a look on my screenshot and tell me what I'm doing wrong or what I should do.
Comment by Ilija Bentscheff on November 12, 2009 at 4:40pm
thank you for your interest. The image sampler component is a bit confusing, since there is no clarity what it needs as an input.
I opened the contents of the sampler and set the domain to the number of divisions I wanted to have for the point grid. 30 in this case. Secondly, I defined a point grid by using a series component with 30 numbers (in x and y) and simply plugged the points of the grid into the image sampler. Thirdly, I decomposed the 900 (30x30) points and fed the x and y values in a compose-point-component. The z-value came from the image sampler, by just plugging its output into the z-input of the compose-point component. You have to open the image sampler dialogue and choose an image and set the evaluation to brightness (the black and white button). This will generate you a second point grid with z-values related to the image information.
Lastly, I used the z-values of the point to drive the radii of the circles. You can then constrain them to a particular number of radii and so on. I hope that helps so far.

Comment by Dmytro Lutsak on November 12, 2009 at 2:15pm
that's definately what I'm trying to attain. Actually I'm doing my interior project for uni, and my idea is to create a picture on a wall like here.
Could you explain how did u do that ? Would be great if u upload the .ghx file too !




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