
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

This is really funny! One of my data landscape paintings found its way into a fashion shoot and onto the cover of this city magazine. I know nothing about the model or his choice of shirt, but the circular piece behind him is a generative pattern created in grasshopper.

Views: 283

Albums: Data Landscape
Location: London


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Comment by Tim on April 19, 2016 at 4:35am

Thank you, it is later that I realized that you can feed it any data and make it build patterns based on that and it will look amazing no matter what XD. Digital art is a lot of slack if you know how to do it XD

Comment by vaughn horsman on April 19, 2016 at 4:22am

Pretty good educated guess! I consider "random" to be a dirty word because the present is more about complexity and patterns and systems rather than Jackson Pollock throwing paint at a canvas. These pieces are created by layers of multiple patterns on top of each other, until the canvas becomes too complex to read, but still retains a sense of order and process. I obviously think about these pieces too much. Some of my pieces use urban, geographic data or text, but these are pure abstract patterns. I posted it because Grasshopper + fashion are a funny combination.

Comment by ChristianF on April 17, 2016 at 12:59am

Don't need to say, that this is an amazing artfull piece of work!

May I ask want kind of data generated this pattern?

Comment by Tim on April 17, 2016 at 12:57am

Yeah, it is really amazing, I'd like to have it as a piece of generative art hanging on my wall. If I say that it is based on random concentric patterns will it be close?





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