
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Grasshopper To Sap2000 Structural Analysis Solver with Custom Structural components.

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Comment by R.Sencu on April 5, 2011 at 9:07am

Hey Sangsu, 

It's me again....I was wondering if you can help me with some advice regarding the export of towers from GH to SAP2000? Maybe if you'll have a little example to see how did you managed to do the tower from the posted image or even an short advice it will be nice. 

Thanks in advance!

Comment by fcdavid on November 2, 2010 at 11:57pm
to Sencu Razvan

“ I modeled couples of time the church directly but I didn't succeeded with the structural response because my model is made of a lot of solids and I have problems with the connection between them.”

I dont know why you analys Church structure with solid elements,why not use shell elements?

I whether you can send email to me and we have some discussion.

my email
Comment by fcdavid on October 30, 2010 at 9:04pm
To Sangsu Lee,
good job! I am a structural engineer of BIAD, BeiJing.
If you have MSN or QQ number, add me,Plz
This is my Blog:
Comment by fcdavid on October 30, 2010 at 8:59pm
To Sencu Razvan,
Maybe you can save Rhino model as Igs(Lusas type), and import igs file to sap2k, try it!
Comment by xch on October 12, 2010 at 12:19am
very cool
like it
Comment by R.Sencu on June 28, 2010 at 9:13am
To Sangsu Lee,
Well, I know about SAP's gaps but I did some models with solids and worked well. At this moment it will be best if I could just mesh a 3d surface into 3dfaces (4 nodes) with grasshopper or something, because is the only way importing in SAP. I tried different methods using autocad, but I still not found an automatic method. If you know something about this please help me and I will do the same if I will have the chance.
Comment by Sangsu Lee on June 26, 2010 at 5:08pm
To Guy Balter,
Yes, you should provide proper properties(including sectional shapes)... because you have to build parametric structural model from the scratch, not converting any existing BIM model. Converting a BIM model is possible, but its result is not parametric and it is not what we want at all.

To Sencu Razvan, building structrual analysis model need some expertise about it, for it is about abstracting simple numerical model from the real world solid model . Usually churches are not a typical frame structure, it is more difficult, and if you are to use solid elements, sap2000 is not a good modeler for it. I'm sorry that i can't be of much help
Comment by R.Sencu on June 25, 2010 at 2:32pm
Hi everybody,
I am a student from Romania and now I am trying to analyze a church with SAP2000.
I saw that you Sangsu have some knowledge about. I modeled couples of time the church directly but I didn't succeeded with the structural response because my model is made of a lot of solids and I have problems with the connection between them. If you are kind to tell me some tricks, maybe something about meshing a surface, or something I will be grateful.
Comment by Guy Balter on June 25, 2010 at 11:42am
Thanks for the quick answer.
does providing structural properties is being done manually?

to Jon, I'm looking forward to try your plug-in. looks very promising
Comment by Sangsu Lee on June 25, 2010 at 9:53am
To Jon, Thanks for your interest. I know well about your components. They are really great and gave us many hints and inspirations. Our development is still on basic stage and we (just 2 persons) are researchers who belongs to some structural consulting company in Korea (Chang-Min-Woo Structural Consultants). So, currentley we are not in the position to make it public or not. However, from time to time I can post our progress shot on this forum, and share some know-how or some piece of codes from our work.





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