
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Comment by Jonah Hawk on July 30, 2013 at 9:53pm

ah yes, surface on the Messe Basel New Hall is using a similar concept. Though obviously they didn't cut slot in a flat surface then push and pull it into that form.

If I were to approach that exercise, I would make a single component, either in the 'X' or the 'O' form. Then host an array of those components on a surface and deform the component based on the curvature or slope of the surface. It may be as simple as the height of the component is determined by the slope.

That exterior portion 'expands' more where the surface deviates from vertical.


p.s. I'm not as excited to share my definition as I am to discuss the concepts behind it. Everyone builds definitions differently or with a subtle twist. I like to hear how others would approach something like this. I experimented with several approaches; trying to draw arcs and array them or finding sub curves of the concentric rings or creating circles at every gap and using those to trim the rings...

Comment by Erin McDonough on June 19, 2013 at 12:15pm

Great work!  Do you think it would be possible to apply that logic to a surface?  Maybe with attractor points as well?  I'm interested in creating something like the facade on the Messe Basel New Hall:

I've been messing around with the tutorial on for strip morphologies, but do you have any other suggestions on where to start?  I'm not completely sure how to go about it.  Thanks!

Comment by Emjey Saeidi on May 14, 2013 at 10:30am

wow , very nice.. would you share the definition? i`m need shadid.

Comment by Jonah Hawk on January 5, 2012 at 11:17am

Ha! Mehmet, we posted at the same time I didn't see your post when I wrote mine. 

That is great work that you made those pieces by hand.

The definition for this one is fairly dynamic, as it can create the ring widths using a bezier curve. I then created a polygonal def that splits segments at the corners and evenly across segments. I also have twisting and eccentric circle definitions. Then I made definitions that work on any given input curve. These are the most fun for me. You can feed it a list of curves to create a cellular network of forms.

In my eyes I see this material as "Expanded metal"



Comment by Jonah Hawk on January 5, 2012 at 4:07am

I'm not the first person to generate this form. I've shared the definition before. It really isn't hard to generate; especially with a circular shape. With circles, create an arc and feed it a list of radii. Take every second arc and rotate them half of the included angle of the arcs. Group all of them and array them about the center point.

Try the definition yourself and post it. I will help you if you get stuck. You'll get more out of it if you figure it out on your own.

Check out Mehmet Ali's elegant forms and Sarah Krieger's work as well.

Comment by Mehmet Ali on January 5, 2012 at 3:14am

Hi Jonah,

From the image I understand that you have equal sized gaps and connectors on every line. You can achieve really interesting free standing shapes by varying sized gaps and connectors. I did not have the chance to reach a laser cutter so I tried lots of experiments on a cutting mat and with a hand cutter. And for the images I have uploaded I havent used alo GH defs, I have just drawn them in AutoCad wthout any scripts. After I have tried with GH but I have found Autocad trials were more flexible. GH was limiting the creaativity in the borders of the def.

I also would like to ask you if you have any idea to name this kind of production. So many times I have tried to mention this but I could not find a suitable name for it.



Comment by Patrick on January 5, 2012 at 12:41am

It's awesome... would you share the definition?

Comment by fernando molas garcia on January 3, 2012 at 2:58pm

bello !





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