
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Developing an updated exoskeleton with variable end thicknesses for each strut and non-convex hulls at each node...hopefully will package it along with the geometry-wrapping isosurface component and a (possibly) exoskeleton for curves...

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Comment by shima sn on March 8, 2015 at 4:35pm

Thanks David, I managed to cleanup the mesh. I think since the lines have a big difference in length sizes I had a difficulty to create different thicknesses. 

Comment by David Stasiuk on March 8, 2015 at 12:38am

Hi Shima-

Give Daniel Piker's Topologizer a try, for sure. It automates line network clean-up:

Comment by shima sn on March 7, 2015 at 1:48am

Thanks David! It helped a lot, I actually had some tiny lines that I couldn't see.

Right now I'm trying to apply the scrpt to a complex network of lines, and I input the lines gradually to debug any small one. But at a point no matter the relationship of the lines or distance to the point, it stopped accepting any new lines. would you please take a look at the files and see what could be the problem?

Thanks a lot

Comment by David Stasiuk on March 6, 2015 at 2:08am

Hi Shima -


Exoskeleton should have no trouble working with non-planar elements. The failure you're seeing is occurring because the one or more of the convex hulls being solved at a given node is too big, and actually overlaps with another hull at an adjacent node. (Each node is where a group of lines comes together, and each strut is the line that connects nodes). The way that exoskeleton works is that it creates a convex hull around polygons arrayed at each of these nodes. Then these polygons are stitched together with adjacent nodes along each strut. The thing is, the hull is determined by both the radius you supply, and the angle between the struts in a node. Each polygon gets offset either by an amount you supply, or the minimum required to make a proper hull. So if the angle is really tight between struts, or the radius is really big, then the offset needs to also be very big. When this offset gets too big, it wraps around the entire strut, which breaks the mesh topology, and returns the error you're seeing. You should try to reduce the size of your radius, or try to get rid of moments where there are really tight angles between struts that go into the same node. Hope this helps!

Comment by shima sn on March 5, 2015 at 11:54am

Hi David,

This is such a great work. Thank you!

I'm trying to apply the example file (random network) on a bunch of curves and it give me this error: 1. One or more struts is engulfed by its nodes

is it because the voronois are not planer?

Comment by Josh Draper on May 8, 2014 at 12:15pm

dream come true. can't wait to see it!

Comment by Christian Schmidts on May 2, 2014 at 1:39pm

yuppie yeah!

Comment by David Stasiuk on May 2, 2014 at 8:48am

Ha! Fair enough.

Comment by Nick Tyrer on May 2, 2014 at 8:30am

You have committed now David! I'm gonna put the date on my calender. I will be back in a few days!

Comment by David Stasiuk on May 2, 2014 at 8:27am

Hi Aidan....Daniel and I are this close to releasing the wireframe-based exoskeleton and cytoskeleton in a few days I hope! (Then incrementally, as I get time to debug, some other mesh thickening tools, including a curve-based exoskeleton and an marching cubes geometry wrapper.)





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