
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Very start of a definition I want to develop here and there for city grid planning. The parameters I wish to incorporate are density, light, courtyards, parks, ect.

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Comment by walid samir on April 14, 2018 at 10:47pm

can you please share the definition 

Comment by Sherif El Adawy on December 29, 2017 at 10:20am

Hello Sir,

I want help from Grasshopper user .. I have file AutoCAD for masterplan I want to add it to Grasshopper.

I don't have file GIS, All I had is file dwg and analysis I did by Photoshop as (Existed Landuse,Heights, Street Widith, .. etc).I want to make relation between building height (with its ducts openings) and width of streets.

What I know that import Autocad in Rihno but the progress to do in grasshopper, I have not enough information about it (I am not professional Grasshopper user ).

And what to import in Rhino is the outline of masterplan not with the existed building .. This is what I know must be done.

All I want to do is a Conceptual urban planning .. I watched a tutorial for it but I don't succeed in do it. 

The link ...

Thank you, 

Sherif El Adawy

Comment by Cristina Braccini on April 15, 2016 at 9:26am

Hi Michael!It would be great to have a look at your gh definition. If you have a chance can you email me the script?

Comment by Jass on August 22, 2013 at 5:03am

Hi everyone, 

I am new to grasshopper and I am trying to populate blocks in voronoi cells but I dont want to have courtyads in the cells but try other configuration so that i can have houses packed together but controling ther size! hope it make some sens for u. I need some suggestion please, Thank you 

Comment by Helton zu on April 20, 2012 at 4:30am

How to make this work?parametric urban

Comment by RWNB on March 13, 2012 at 11:08am

hallo danny,

this is not so difficult.
first you need a voroni field.
then you should create several offsets from the V-Cells,
to define:
1 streets, 2 foot paths, 3 land plots 4 and the courtyards.
after that, you should create a surface between the curves,
with that the site was limited.
you should extrude this surfaces in z direction,
to define the hight of the builduings.
you can separatly define the hight of the buildings,
for different areas with attractor and so on..

good luck!

Comment by Danny Andrés Osorio Gaviria on March 12, 2012 at 1:13pm

Dear Michael and Mattero...

I have a research project about parametric urbanism... I am collecting all the work in this topic and your work in awesome!!!...

Do you share with us your gh definitions???... or a picture of the definitions, It can be important for our beginner work!!!...


Comment by Matteo Lo Prete on August 25, 2011 at 4:02pm

@Michael: thank you very much.

@RWNB: the concept is pretty simple.

I have a flat srf and four attractor points, positioned on the World XY plane (they stay into the srf boundary).

I position a pointgrid by dividing the srf and than evaluate the distance between each point and the four attractors (distances are calculated on the World XY plane).

Then I use a comination of vector sums in order to obtain a single value, that I use to move the point within their Z coordinate.

Finally I regenerate a new srf starting from those points and I slice it with a series of horizontal planes positioned at constant heights. And here we are!

I would like to post the definition but it's quite old. If you are interested let me know and I'll try to convert it into a newer GH version.

Hope that this will be useful.

Comment by Michael Pryor on August 24, 2011 at 3:58pm
@Mateo, I have not, but your work is very nice on that one. @ RWNB thanks. @ Nghia The definition starts with a grid o points and deforms the grid via attractors then re connects the points for a new grid. Parameters as you ask are simple. For me I wish them to all be based on attractors. for areas requiring more light have the attractor set deeper setbacks and more open courtyards, population density an attractor can add more dense building in one area then another ect.
Comment by RWNB on August 24, 2011 at 7:02am

nice work, both!

dear matteo, would you explain how you deformed the surface with itse streamlines?






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