algorithmic modeling for Rhino
CoDe24 - SiTI - Politecnico di Torino + ETH
Benefit Volume Graph Visualization - Top
Assessment of 3 development scenarios on the whole corridor
Albums: CoDe24+ETH+ANP+GH@Genoa
No metaballs. It's a mesh from points (Delaunay Mesh)
did you do this with metaballs??
I am not sure I understood you.
But thank you for your time and replies in any case.
It's quite simple. ANP structure is composed of 3 layer: Subnet, Cluster and Nodes. Giving answer to the questionnaire stakeholders define weight of each element (it's calculated using an excel file or a software called superdecision). Each element is represented with a symbolic map that localize (more or less) its effect on the area, so the above maps are the weighted sum of all the considered elements.
Can you just explain that "maps change according to stakeholders answer" part, please?
Thank you.
Hi djordje,
You can find more info about the project on the official site
About the maps, we use them for assessment workshop based on Saaty's ANP (analytic network process) a multicriteria method. ANP is based on a survey and maps change according to stakeholders answer. In this case goal of the workshop was to find best development scenario for the railway corridor.
This looks very, very interesting!
Can you please explain it a little bit?
What was the target of this project?
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