
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Comment by peter fotiadis on January 16, 2012 at 10:34am

For instance: see Image > this GH def makes a truss on a given nurbs like a MERO KK system. The definition calculates drilling axis and therefor is capable to detect clash situations (between the cylinder "flanges" that connect the conical tube members) that usually occur around balls (but it's fully parametric so hopefully one can outline a realistic solution).

OK, everybody knows that GH can do that...

...question is : then what? (I mean what type of assembly/component structure should you send back to an X AEC app?)

Comment by peter fotiadis on January 16, 2012 at 8:58am's a mix of Microstation + Gen Comp (my primary AEC apps) and Grasshopper. Rhino is used rarely for "supporting" some Microstation nurbs related tools that work..when they work (they don't actually).

The big thing here is that Intelligence (and/or any multi-parametric approach) here comes waaaaay second at least VS a capability to organize the whole design in assembly/component schema. I mean: what could serve a parametric truss if all the "baked" (to speak the GH language) 3d items are not organized in proper nested assemblies? This is critical at later design stages - extraction drawings et all. That sort of problems.

But for this type of design undoubtedly CATIA is the application to use (have in mind that this is not an academic's a real AEC project - currently at WIP stage).

Comment by Alexandre Stepanov on January 16, 2012 at 8:17am

Looks pretty cool, but could you give some brief explanation about how it was done?





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