
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Comment by Dicky Ferd on May 3, 2011 at 3:42am

Hi isak,

It's a very good question about the unroll surface definition (I was afraid someone gonna ask that;)),

When I and my partner developed this project, we didn't focus in designing a big system manually and try to unroll later. The idea is to develop "several different type of components" (I've uploaded the pics with filename:11) and connect them together to create bigger system. Other focus is also to observe the behavior of the component as single entity and also observe the behavior of the system when it's connected together. So starting with one seed component, the system can "grow" from the center, using algorithm which is similar to Diffusion Limited Aggregation and establish a whole system which have new and more complex behavior. So basically the idea is, if we know how to make a perfect component, we wont have to worry about unrolling it later, because we can just connect them together.


Hi Cemal, I also uploaded part of the explanation in my blog:, I haven't finished writing about it completely, but I surely am going to finish it later.


Hi Matthew,

We didn't use only grasshopper and kangaroo, instead there are alot of other software involved, like processing and rhino membrane, but if you'd like I'll upload the definition and the processing sketch in my blog later.

Comment by Matthew McFetridge on May 2, 2011 at 3:22pm
Wow! this is really eye catching, beautiful stuff. Im trying to learn about Y joints and Star Points to further manipulate geometry so this is very interesting! Is there any possibility that you could upload the project or share part of your definition? This is really beatiful, great stuff bud.
Comment by Cemal Koray Bingol on May 2, 2011 at 2:56pm
this is really, really great. how did you do that? kangaroo? Also! i like to see the project it self if you have uploaded it somewhere or any possible way. wow!
Comment by Will Krzymowski on May 2, 2011 at 2:49pm

These are really incredible

Comment by Isak Bergwall on May 2, 2011 at 2:07pm



Have you developed some kind of unrollsurface definition to get the parts and folding patterns? 

Comment by Dicky Ferd on May 2, 2011 at 1:59pm
Thanks isak, its textile (nylon), hardened with epoxy+resin
Comment by Isak Bergwall on May 2, 2011 at 1:57pm
Amazing work! What material is this?





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