you did this directly from rhino or you did it in grasshopper?.. maybe i can give you my email so you can send it there ti me.. is
Yes, I think that it's possible do it with square. I distribute some points (in function of the picture) and i use them to do a voronoi's diagram.
In order to get the points: The script can only give you circles, but you can introduce the circles in GH (like curves), conect this curves to circles and get the center point. (or convert the curves in surfaces and calculate the area).
When you have got the point, you can use it for everything you want.
(I hope that i have answer you, but else you can ask me).
I have used this tool ( in order to get points randomly placed above a picture. Then, I have used the points to do a Voronoi's diagram.
Does someone know some way to get the grid of points directly in grasshopper? or maybe could integrate the script in grasshopper in order to change the parameters fastly?
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