
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm having some trouble with the interpolated curve component. I don't get the same result creating it in Grasshopper from a series of points as when drawing an interpolated curve in Rhino. Both curves in the example is created from the same points in the same order. The curves are degree 7.

Is this a bug?

See at the end especially.

Views: 1433

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It appears that the difference is because I used sqrtChord as knot type in Rhino and Grasshopper automatically uses Uniform. Is there any plan to make it possible for the user to select the type of knot him/herself?

There was no plan. Then you posted this and there was. And now it's done, the next release will have a K input for the InterpCurve component that allows the three default knot-styles.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Super David! - thank you. I've just scripted a c-sharp component with the knotstyle input until you release the next version :)







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