
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,

Does anybody knows if is possible to do a 3 dimensional voronoi by expansion of spheres and not circles.

So at last we have surfaces that means the limits of they growing process.

Thanks all

Views: 3208

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You mean something like this?:

The viewport is displaying a section of the geometry using the sectioning tools found in the latest V5 WIP.
To do this just create spheres on each point using the desired radius and booolean intersect them with the voronoi cells. Use the grafting component on both lists before inputing them in the boolean intersect component.
Hi guys,

i 'm quite new with this stuff and i can't quite get the "grafting component" part..before the boolean intersect i would like to ask if it's possible for you to post a printscreen of the def.

Thanks in advance, :)






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