
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,

I was wandering if anyone can help me with a definition that gives me trouble.. I have this grid which I deform using lines or points. In the end I get boxes in different heights and dimensions. What I need now is to flow a surface along the top of the boxes but I'm having trouble of making it, so every time I'm baking the result and working it out in rhino. The thing is that I think it should be possible to make it in grasshopper, as I want to be able to see the surface and make changes if I have to, before it's baked. I have attached the files I've been working on. Any ideas?

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Is it what you are after?


Exactly! thank you so much!

I was trying with the evaluate box tool and patch points but I was getting weird results and the surface didn't flow exactly along the boxes.

This is great! thanks again :)






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