
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello Tim and everyone,I am having a difficult time with the floor push.  I can push one curve and it builds a floor in revit just fine, but if I add anymore curves above that, it creates a series of "floor openings" in revit at the same location of the first floor (even though in grasshopper they stack above) voiding out my one floor that is working.   I've tried building as

1.  Series

2.  Array

3.  Exploding both the top two options (array and series) and rebuilding curves

4.  Baking lines, and setting curve based on the baked lines.

I get the same results for all 4 ways.  Any help would be GREATLY Appreciated!

Views: 515

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Try grafting the input curves. This will create a separate floor object for each branch.

Wahoo!!! That worked!!!  Thanks a ton Tim!






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