
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dirk Anderson
  • Male
  • Sydney
  • Australia
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Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 8:10am on December 7, 2011, masa miyamoto said…

whatz up!  like your stuff>.  how is everything lately?

At 11:31am on July 24, 2010, Tushar Parab said…
Hi Dik
I am doing M.Arch from University of Nottingham.I am working on my dissertation regarding environmental performance of natural geometry. I have small doubts about hexagonal panels, can you just help me out. I am started learning grasshopper just now and my dissertation is related to this.
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My problem is -

How could I panel a hexagonal geometry on a surface??
I know how to divide a surface in hexagonals but i couldn't attach geometry to it.

My mail ID is

Awaiting for your reply.
At 7:51am on January 10, 2010, Wojciech Hydzik said…
Hi Dirk.

thanks so much. this will be really helpful! my email is

i have never used scripting before, so this will be a first for me. i know i should learn it as i can see how much it really helps (like with this for example...). how would i process this all then? i'm trying to design a tower which responds to the solar exposure analysis in ecotect by applying various elements to the design:

1. offset of interior space from facade
2. location of louver system
3. shape, rotation and depth of louver system

this is all still quite conceptual. i know it would be simple to basically set a point as the sun in gh and reference everything according to the distance from the 'sun' to each specific point in the model, but then it wouldn't be real live data as it could be thanks to your script and data from ecotect. would i be able to perform these things thanks to your script? i wouldn't know where to start from if i had to edit it somehow...someday :)

thanks again!!!

At 1:36pm on July 19, 2009, Jon Mirtschin said…
Hi Dirk, Thanks for the response and note. Always nice to hear that the plug-in looks worthy to others.

I saw your ecotect project on the dotNet forum, and sounds great. Of course I'm happy to offer any advice or suggestions that you might seek. I know in our Expedition office there is a push to develop more in that area ourselves, but at the moment I don't know much in the way of details for it. You'll also find the rhino.plug-ins newsgroup a worthwhile resource for assistance.

If you've programmed with SpaceGass, you'll probably know the way my plug-in interfaces with them. I've not used COM interop type interaction yet, not being a fan of behind the scene blackbox links. By interacting in text file formats, it's human readable and controlable. The parsing of different formats is time consuming, but easy enough all the same. I use xml myself for things like option saving and license files, much easier than primitive text parsing.

There's a number of Arup offices using the plug-ins around the world, but I haven't heard from the Sydney office (not to say they aren't using them). If you don't mind, I might send those guys an email. I have a number of friends at many of the other offices, and worked on the MCG as a joint venture with their Melbourne office, but don't personally know of any Sydney staff.

So, don't suppose I've been of much help yet with your ecotect work, but I'll keep an eye on your post or feel free to send a comment/email anytime.


At 1:43am on July 16, 2009, Rafi said…
Hello Dirk, I do know it's a bit tricky und I haven't found any information yet.
At 2:59pm on June 27, 2009, Claudio said…
Hello Dirk, thanks for your comments. I will definetly start with the GH primer 2. Regarding Generative components. I`ve jus starting to use it and your right is not vry intuitive and very heavy as a sofware. I`ll give it a try to see if I can get something out of it.

Thank you again.

At 6:39pm on June 26, 2009, Claudio said…
Hello Dirk. First of all I like to say thank you for all your precious help here in the forum. I consider my self very new to GH and parametric modeling but I've started to use it in real projetcs. I've being experimenting with GH and generative components from Bentley. I came to the conclusion that I really need to start scripting more custom solutions. I was wondering if you can help me by pointing me to some sources where i can learn from 0 scripting. I'll appreciate any comments or suggestions.







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