
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Space Syntax

Space Syntax is a theory of architecture and built environment that seeks to explain the effect of spatial configurations on behavioral patterns of people. SYNTACTIC tools bring Space Syntax theory into parametric design workflows. More information on syntactic design methodology:

My PhD dissertation (see chapters 3 & 4)

Designing with Space Syntax

Syntactic Design Methodology

For more information, videos, news and updates you can visit the following website. 

See a video demo-tutorial here

The plugin is available for download here:

This plugin is completely compatible with SpiderWeb for Grasshopper and we hereby thank Richard Schaffranek for all we have learned from this extremely useful plugin


UPDATE: Genesis Lab [webpage][website] is to modernize, open-source, and develop the toolkit starting in December 2021. Stay tuned for updates through my YouTube Channel and ResearchGate

Location: Delft
Members: 637
Latest Activity: Jun 26

Hi, All components are ready. We are just wrapping all our VB codes into a GHA.

Discussion Forum

Bake legends/export graphs 3 Replies

Hello everyone,I just discovered space syntax and I am having a great deal of fun playing with it however, I can't seem to bake the pie chart, or the legends or anything. Any ideas how I can export…Continue

Started by Stefania Dinea. Last reply by Sabrina Morris Nov 22, 2023.

"DiskoGraphDrawing" Icon 3 Replies

Hi There, I'm using the latest version of Syntax (downloaded today) on Rhino 6. Is it correct to assume that this isn't 100% compatible with Gh on R6 at this point?The issue I am having is the first…Continue

Started by Chris Dimarco. Last reply by Mary Bliss Nov 21, 2023.

space syntax area refrence 3 Replies

HiI used your space syntax for an architectural function relation diagram, but i have a problem because there is a rule that number of points and areas should be the same, so in a situation that i…Continue

Started by maryam ma. Last reply by GabrielaSullivan Oct 23, 2023.

Gradient issue with Syntactic 6 Replies

Hi guys,I don't know what is wrong with this simple definition on space syntax...Any ideas?Domain...lists...input curves?Thanks...…Continue

Started by Andrés Utz. Last reply by Nelson Oliver Sep 20, 2023.

Comment Wall


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Comment by gaston on August 6, 2021 at 10:01am

Hello, not all tools are available

How could i solve this issue

Comment by Pirouz Nourian on January 25, 2021 at 3:36am

Hello Leen, apologies for responding so late; I have been overloaded with education these months. The error sounds to be related to a mismatch between the number of attributes provided (tags, colours, areas, etc). If it is a bug caused by something else, we can perhaps replace the module with a custom-made python module. Please let me know if there is an update on this issue. 

Comment by Leen Hiasat on October 30, 2020 at 11:53am

Hello guys

Im having a problem that after almost the 12th space is added the diskograph component that produces the bubble diagram stops working! always after this number of spaces it starts giving the error "object reference not set to an instance of an object" 

It only works if I turn the boolean toggle to false for the forcedirecteddrawing component but then again the bubbles are not adjacent anymore! any comment please?

Thank you :) 

Comment by Pirouz Nourian on October 14, 2020 at 9:53am

Dear group members, I hope all is going well with you.

Our plan for the future is to share all algorithms open source in Python. You can find one of the most wanted ones in one of our GitHub repos (graph relaxation in 3D and more). There is much more already in our GitHub repos and more to be added. For getting an idea of our future direction check this lecture out. For getting a better understanding of graphs and graph theory watch this lecture and this lecture on a gamified spatial configuration process. Stay tuned for more and do not hesitate to post Python questions in the meantime.

ps. If you are having installation problems, please check the remedy suggested below:

Comment by Iman Sheikhansari on August 26, 2019 at 8:33amDelete Comment

If you are encountering a problem with rhino 6 versions don't worry
Follow these steps.
1. Download SYNTACTIC from
2. Install it and go to the installation folder, Drag & drop SYNTACTIC(green one) over your grasshopper canvas.
3. Close your rhino and reopen it. 
4. Type GrasshopperDeveloperSettings
5. Tick the Memory load *.GHA assemblies using COFF byte arrays option
6. Run grasshopper and enjoy plugin

Comment by 王海涛 on February 16, 2020 at 7:05am

Dear Pirouz Nourian

Thank you for your kind reply. I really appreciate your syntactic. The ‘triangulate mesh in all ways’ component doesn’t work. I followed the procedure of your PD paper and watched your video ‘SSS9 Parallel Session 1 Pirouz Nourian’ on YouTube over and over again. But I fail to find the solution. Please help me.

I found that there are many people have the same problem with me in space syntax group. I know you have heavy education load. It is more better that you record a video of your own operation to guide the steps in detail in ‘syntactic exploration’ when you have some time.

Best wishes.

Comment by Pirouz Nourian on February 11, 2020 at 9:37am

Hello 王海涛, 

The version on Food4Rhino is unfortunately incomplete. I shouldn't have put it there perhaps. Please use the old version from my website and refer to the instructions of Iman Sheikhansari for getting it to work. 

I hope this helps. 


Comment by Pirouz Nourian on February 11, 2020 at 9:35am

Hi YUAN SHENG LIN , thanks for your compliments. For a detailed explanation on the force directed graph drawing algorithm please see page 100 of my dissertation. 'Str_att' is the strength of attraction and 'Stre-rep' is the strength of repulsion. For very complex bubble charts or situations that do not result in a convergent diagram you can first try lowering the repulsion and then the attraction to get a near optimal layout. 

I hope this helps. 


Comment by YUAN SHENG LIN on January 4, 2020 at 11:07pm

Hello, thank you very much for developing such a useful plugin!
I have some questions about the parameters in the process of using this plug-in. In the "force directed drawing" component, is there a more detailed description of the two parameters "St_Atr" and "St_Rep" and the impact of the parameters? Thank you very much!!

Comment by Pirouz Nourian on November 5, 2019 at 3:16am
Comment by Pirouz Nourian on August 27, 2019 at 2:03am

Hi Iman Sheikhansari, 

Many thanks for sharing your solution! 


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