
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Space Syntax

Space Syntax is a theory of architecture and built environment that seeks to explain the effect of spatial configurations on behavioral patterns of people. SYNTACTIC tools bring Space Syntax theory into parametric design workflows. More information on syntactic design methodology:

My PhD dissertation (see chapters 3 & 4)

Designing with Space Syntax

Syntactic Design Methodology

For more information, videos, news and updates you can visit the following website. 

See a video demo-tutorial here

The plugin is available for download here:

This plugin is completely compatible with SpiderWeb for Grasshopper and we hereby thank Richard Schaffranek for all we have learned from this extremely useful plugin


See our newest results these publications:

Voxel Graph Operators

Voxel-Based Spatial Ergonomics Research

Evaluating Spatial Configurations as to their [Adaptive] Reuse Potential

UPDATE: Genesis Lab [webpage][website] is to modernize, open-source, and develop the toolkit starting in December 2021. Stay tuned for updates through my YouTube Channel and ResearchGate

Location: Delft
Members: 640
Latest Activity: Jan 21

Hi, All components are ready. We are just wrapping all our VB codes into a GHA.

Discussion Forum

Missing Components

Hello, i have downloaded the plug in from genesis lab, but i seem to be missing some components from the plug in, i also downloaded the version from food4rhino, but it did not work, please help i am…Continue

Started by Emiliano Rosales Fernandez Dec 23, 2024.

Bake legends/export graphs 3 Replies

Hello everyone,I just discovered space syntax and I am having a great deal of fun playing with it however, I can't seem to bake the pie chart, or the legends or anything. Any ideas how I can export…Continue

Started by Stefania Dinea. Last reply by Sabrina Morris Nov 22, 2023.

"DiskoGraphDrawing" Icon 3 Replies

Hi There, I'm using the latest version of Syntax (downloaded today) on Rhino 6. Is it correct to assume that this isn't 100% compatible with Gh on R6 at this point?The issue I am having is the first…Continue

Started by Chris Dimarco. Last reply by Mary Bliss Nov 21, 2023.

space syntax area refrence 3 Replies

HiI used your space syntax for an architectural function relation diagram, but i have a problem because there is a rule that number of points and areas should be the same, so in a situation that i…Continue

Started by maryam ma. Last reply by GabrielaSullivan Oct 23, 2023.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Shayan Kavakeb on June 10, 2016 at 1:45am

Dear Pirouz,

First, I would like to thank you for developing this tool, I find it very useful and well developed. I am currently working at UK AECOM and involved in various projects related to urban space. I believe this tool is under the following licence: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported Li.... Thus, we cannot use it for commercial purposes. 

I wonder can we discuss on how we can use this tool for commercial purposes at AECOM?

Best regards,



Comment by Federico Secci on May 25, 2016 at 9:07am

I apologise in advance for my poor English. Is it possible with space syntax to make 2D/3D visibility analysis? (I rode about the isovist bubble)

Comment by Pirouz Nourian on May 13, 2016 at 4:34am

Hello Mehrnoosh, 

The problem with your file is that the configuration you are trying to realize as a plan layout is not planar. That means there can be no drawing of your configuration graph on a piece of paper without its edges (links) crossing each other. That is not a software issue, but a theoretical limitation. If you want to get a result from the methods, you need to remove a few links so that the graph becomes a planar graph. 

Comment by mehrnoosh_arc on May 7, 2016 at 8:45am

firstly , thanks alot for this helpful plugin.
i'm having a problem with Triangulate component that show Error:1.Solution exception:value cannot be null. but i can't solve it.
please helpe me.


Comment by Arindra Januari on May 2, 2016 at 7:12am

Hi Pirouz,

thank you so much for your quick answer! I really appreciate it. :)

Comment by Pirouz Nourian on May 2, 2016 at 3:40am

Hi Arindra, 

The measure Entropy is newer than the rest in our implementation. I hereby explain it (from my PhD dissertation):

Entropy values, as described in (Hillier & Hanson, The Social Logic of Space, 1984) and specified in (Turner A. , “Depthmap: A Program to Perform Visibility Graph Analysis, 2007), intuitively describe the difficulty of getting to other spaces from a certain space. In other words, the higher the entropy value, the more difficult it is to reach other spaces from that space and vice-versa. We compute the spatial entropy of the   node as  using the  point depth set:


 “The term  is the maximum depth from vertex  and  is the frequency of point depth *d* from the vertex” (ibid). Technically, we compute it using the function below, which itself uses some outputs and by-products from previous calculations:

Algorithm 4: Entropy Computation

Given the graph  (adjacency lists), Depths  as List of List of integer, DepthMap as Dictionary of integer


Initialize Entropies as List(double)

For node as integer in range [0, |V|)

  • integer How_Many_of_D=0
  • double S_node=0
  • For depth as integer in range [1, Depths[node].Max()]
    • How_Many_of_D=DepthMap.Branch[(node,depth)].Count
    • double frequencyHow_Many_of_D/|V|
    • S_node = S_node - frequency * Math.Log(frequency, 2)
  • Next
  • Entropies [node] = S_node


Comment by Arindra Januari on May 1, 2016 at 4:56am

Hey Pirouz,

I would like to ask about the entrophy parameter that is connected with the integration. In the paper 'designing with space syntax' there's explanation about the formula that you used to get the measurement for each parameter but how about the entrophy? I'd really love to know where do the numbers come from. Thanks in advance! 

Comment by Tim on April 25, 2016 at 4:13am

Also text is very important, if possible to output it as a text that would be most useful.

Comment by Tim on April 25, 2016 at 4:11am

Please do if you have time, if not with code, I could rearrange intersecting bubbles in AI if have baked geometry. Meshes are ok too, I can convert them to hatches with Human or FabTools plugins.

Comment by Pirouz Nourian on April 25, 2016 at 2:59am

Yes Tim, that is the component I meant. Indeed it cannot do the job as is because the Justified Graph Component doesn't have an output. That component has one of the biggest chunks of code... Let me see if I can rewrite it to get an output from it. 


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