
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Pachyderm Acoustic

Pachyderm is a plugin largely used by Designers and Scientists alike to simulate acoustics in buildings, rooms, cities, and other settings.

Location: Earth
Members: 189
Latest Activity: Jul 29

Hello Pachyderm Users,
We are going through an exciting period, including the startup of an organization to support the growth of Pachyderm, and extend the educational agenda of the project. In the next few weeks, we will be submitting our long-form 501(c)3 application, which will give us the rights of a not-for-profit organization established in the state of Connecticut. As part of the transition, we are phasing out the old website. The new site will be up in the next few weeks, and you can find it at:
We are looking forward to the next phase of this project, and we hope that you will be there with us to learn and continue to support us!
kind regards,
Arthur van der Harten
Executive Director
Open Research in Acoustical Science and Education

Discussion Forum

Software capabilities 4 Replies

Hi!This is very interesting, but I have some questions about the applicability / limitations of your software. What it can and what it can not do. I am an architect, used to formfinding but am not…Continue

Started by Ludvig Haav. Last reply by MichaelD0112 Jul 29.

Actual reverberation time and error from Pachyderm simulation 14 Replies

Hi all,I'm currently working on calculating reverberation time using Pachyderm Acoustics.I have a reverberation chamber close to me, and I have an environment where I can check the actual…Continue

Started by FUYU. Last reply by FUYU Jun 25.

Pachyderm does not load 4 Replies

Hi, I loaded Pachyderm into Rino 7 and tried a simple model in a box and it immediately crashed Rhino. I cycled through that a few times with the same result. I off loaded Rhino 7 and re-loaded…Continue

Started by Kenneth W. Martin. Last reply by Arthur van der Harten May 28.

Mapping surfaces with Grasshopper 1 Reply

Hi Arthur, First of all, thanks for your previous answers,I was wondering if there was a way to calculate the Mapping Method and see the result directly in Grasshopper? I thought that there was maybe…Continue

Started by Sandrine Heroux. Last reply by Avraham Cohen May 27.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Surakist Hunpaisarn on November 8, 2019 at 9:27pm

Hi Authur

I am study in master degree and i am researching about Changing Acoustic in Multi functional space  

I have some issue about "Ray tracing" Component in grasshopper when i put all the value and then the Ray tracing will show a message "Preparing Threads" for long time and then clash and not responding and another case it can work but just some Ray that reached and then it clash again. I don't know why this component can not run. How solve this problem ? what should i do ?

ps. I use Minimum Convergence so Do i no need to put value in Number of Rays ?


Thank you

Comment by Arthur van der Harten on October 2, 2019 at 5:59am
Hi Prakati,

Simple. Load Pachyderm for rhino before opening grasshopper. The grasshopper plugin depends on the rhino plugin to work.

To load it, just run any Pachyderm command in the command line

Comment by prakrati sharma on October 2, 2019 at 3:17am
Comment by prakrati sharma on October 2, 2019 at 1:10am

Comment by prakrati sharma on October 2, 2019 at 1:08am

hey arthur im having issue with pulling the rhino geometry to polyscene . its showing this error please help 

Comment by Arthur van der Harten on August 12, 2019 at 2:04pm

Hi Prakrati,

It sounds like your screen is a bit small. sorry about that. I'm afraid I don't have a good solution for you at this time.

Maybe you can find a larger screen somewhere. (I'll see how small I can allow it to get for a future release... I think there was a limit in terms of the legibility of the graphics, though).



Comment by prakrati sharma on August 12, 2019 at 1:22pm

hey arthur 

thanks for replying . i have one more doubt how to adjust the interface of the call absorption . i have already tried to adjust the screen resolution it doesn't fit . what to do ? 


Comment by Arthur van der Harten on August 12, 2019 at 10:50am

Hi Prakati,

In the latest version, I removed the "Apply" button by popular request. Instead, as soon as you click a library item, it applies it to the selected layer automatically.

For some, that was less confusing.

But is the issue actually that you don't have a library? It's hard to know why without looking at your computer. Most likely, the file is missing. Here is where it would be normally:


In case it is indeed missing, please take mine: Pach_Materials_Library.txt

There isn't a whole lot in there - it is up to the users to fill it. But hopefully this helps.


Comment by prakrati sharma on August 12, 2019 at 10:32am

and also im not getting any material in the list . what to do???

Comment by prakrati sharma on August 12, 2019 at 10:23am

hey arthur

i'm having problem to load library in the rhino interface . i mean to say i'm not able to assign the material there's no option of apply material in pachyderm acoustic where we get all those impulse material and analysis ..

please help its urgent 


Members (189)






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