
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Meerkat GIS

Meerkat is a set of tools to generate Grasshopper geometry from GIS shape files. GIS shape files can be batch 'geolocated and cropped' in a Google Maps browser.

Location: Seattle
Members: 70
Latest Activity: Feb 20, 2015

Discussion Forum

Meerkat Shapefile Importer - Map doesn't work 3 Replies

Just installed Meerkat to work with shapefiles for my site terrain..Unfortunately it seems the Google Maps API or similar does not work. I got around this by manually cropping the area down and have…Continue

Started by Andreas Bested. Last reply by Andreas Bested Feb 20, 2015.

Meerkat Crop is cropping random area than the one selected 3 Replies

Meerkat group,I am studying the Birmingham, UK landscape; my goal is to parse the shapefile in Rh/GH and then shoot back the data into Google earth through KML. In order to test the shapefile's…Continue

Tags: selected, not, area, cropping

Started by Georgios Papadogeorgakis. Last reply by Georgios Papadogeorgakis Dec 15, 2014.

Meerkat and GHowl Lat Long Conversions 3 Replies

So I received an inquiry about using Meerkat with GHowl to coordinate multiple shape file projections into the same point space in Rhino/Grasshopper.  Here are my initial findings.…Continue

Started by Nathan Lowe. Last reply by Alex Webb Sep 10, 2014.

Meerkat crashes when cropping shape file 3 Replies

Hi All!First of all, thanks Nathan for this great plugin. I used several times and I must say that it's really useful.I post because I have some problems when opening a Sao Paulo shapefile, as I…Continue

Tags: shapefile, shp, GIS, crash, Meerkat

Started by Javier HR. Last reply by Javier HR Jul 20, 2014.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Nathan Lowe on May 28, 2014 at 2:08am

I just released version 1.5 which includes two new components for projecting between latitude and longitude and point space.  Also I fixed the data tree structure in the Parsing component.

Comment by Nathan Lowe on January 22, 2014 at 3:12pm

There are about 120 unique users of Meerkat GIS.  There is one request created per session of use... so as long as Meerkat isn't closed, 1 to 10 hours of usage still only equals 1 request.  Map reloads or new crops do not count as a request.

120 users isn't a lot, but I'm happy to see a diversity of countries using the plugin.  A majority of the US requests are my own beta-tests.  It also seems that usage is pretty consistent by a small portion of the 120 users.  I'm going to guess that 20-40 users are active.  Just so you guys know, I don't get any info regarding locations cropped, specific users, or even what country a specific user is from, the table above is as granular as it gets.

I thought it would be fun to post and see if anyone has anything to say.  

Comment by Nathan Lowe on October 15, 2013 at 12:20pm

Hey all,

Just a note that 1.3 has been released... in one word, branching... now multiple .mkgis files can be run through a single component.


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