
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Space Syntax

Space Syntax is a theory of architecture and built environment that seeks to explain the effect of spatial configurations on behavioral patterns of people. SYNTACTIC tools bring Space Syntax theory into parametric design workflows. More information on syntactic design methodology:

My PhD dissertation (see chapters 3 & 4)

Designing with Space Syntax

Syntactic Design Methodology

For more information, videos, news and updates you can visit the following website. 

See a video demo-tutorial here

The plugin is available for download here:

This plugin is completely compatible with SpiderWeb for Grasshopper and we hereby thank Richard Schaffranek for all we have learned from this extremely useful plugin


UPDATE: Genesis Lab [webpage][website] is to modernize, open-source, and develop the toolkit starting in December 2021. Stay tuned for updates through my YouTube Channel and ResearchGate

Location: Delft
Members: 637
Latest Activity: Jun 26

Hi, All components are ready. We are just wrapping all our VB codes into a GHA.

Discussion Forum

Bake legends/export graphs 3 Replies

Hello everyone,I just discovered space syntax and I am having a great deal of fun playing with it however, I can't seem to bake the pie chart, or the legends or anything. Any ideas how I can export…Continue

Started by Stefania Dinea. Last reply by Sabrina Morris Nov 22, 2023.

"DiskoGraphDrawing" Icon 3 Replies

Hi There, I'm using the latest version of Syntax (downloaded today) on Rhino 6. Is it correct to assume that this isn't 100% compatible with Gh on R6 at this point?The issue I am having is the first…Continue

Started by Chris Dimarco. Last reply by Mary Bliss Nov 21, 2023.

space syntax area refrence 3 Replies

HiI used your space syntax for an architectural function relation diagram, but i have a problem because there is a rule that number of points and areas should be the same, so in a situation that i…Continue

Started by maryam ma. Last reply by GabrielaSullivan Oct 23, 2023.

Gradient issue with Syntactic 6 Replies

Hi guys,I don't know what is wrong with this simple definition on space syntax...Any ideas?Domain...lists...input curves?Thanks...…Continue

Started by Andrés Utz. Last reply by Nelson Oliver Sep 20, 2023.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Waldemar Felipe on March 19, 2015 at 3:49pm
Hi Pirouz! Your job is amazing! I'm starting to work with grasshopper in university and i`m really interested in a possible application of space syntax in social housing. So your work is all i ever dreamed. hahaha I downloaded your latest release(2.7) but couldn't understand why the graphs that look like rooms (step 3-b and 4 in your paper) do not actualize when i change the value in the Gene Pool. Is still in development? Thank you anyway! Greetings from Brazil!
Comment by dalec on March 19, 2015 at 2:12pm
Hello, is there a way to establish the configuration in the built environment and the correspondence between different spaces but in the case of more than one layer... In other words, if we want to show the relations not only one planar point of view but also in more than one level... I would like to try this component in a research project where i can optimise the spaces not only on one plan level but also the relations between upper level per exemple..
Comment by Arrow Morphow on March 18, 2015 at 3:53pm

very nice work thank you so much ! stay blessed:)

Comment by Pirouz Nourian on March 17, 2015 at 9:21am

Hi, you need to drag the GHA file from the folder installed by the installer and drop it on your GH canvas. Note that the installer asks for the location of this folder during installation. If you don't specify a location it puts the folder in a default location. Please read the notes in the folder. 

Comment by Leonardo Roli on February 17, 2015 at 7:30am

Tank you very much Pirouz and Richard.. now everything seems more clear!!

Comment by Pirouz Nourian on February 16, 2015 at 11:15am

@ Richard: Many thanks for your explanations Richard! 

@ Leonardo: As Richard says, if the graph is non-planar then you cannot expect a kissing-disk drawing to be created without crossings. If you want to get a result that is acceptable, you can lower the strength of the springs (ST-Atr) as Richard has suggested. Note that this words of yours "it's just impossible for me to avoid the edges intersection" mean exactly that the graph is non-planar. 

Comment by Richard Schaffranek on February 15, 2015 at 1:58pm

Well as said explained in the article about force directed graph drawing, it is an iterative process so one thing you can do is to increase the number of iterations (It_#). Also you can play with the strength of Attraction / Repulsion (St_Atr / St_Rep).

However if the graph is not planar than there is a conflict, since an edge means attraction... . 

Comment by Leonardo Roli on February 15, 2015 at 2:56am

ok.. I read the two links.. but I still cannot figure out if I'm wrong and where.. for ex, about the planarity, I think that it's just impossibile for me to avoid the edges intersection.

Comment by Richard Schaffranek on February 13, 2015 at 9:45am

Hello Leonard,

Ain't nothing to do with the lines being planar, please read the postet articles.

Comment by Leonardo Roli on February 13, 2015 at 9:19am

Hi Richard, thanks for the tips.. I've checked and all the points and lines are planar.. 

So, does anyone has suggestions on how fix this issue?


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