
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



Wasp is a set of Grasshopper components, developed in Python, directed at representing and designing with discrete repetitive elements.

Download it here: Food4Rhino

Source Code: Github

Example Files: Wasp Examples

Facebook: GhWasp

Instagram: Gh_Wasp

Discord: Wasp server

Location: Frankfurt, DE
Members: 67
Latest Activity: Mar 18

Discussion Forum

New Discord Chat for discussion and support 1 Reply

Hi All,I just wanted to let you know that I decided to move the Wasp support on the new Wasp Discord chat server. Discord provides a more flexible platform for community support, and will simplify…Continue

Started by Andrea Rossi. Last reply by MichaelD0112 Mar 18.

How to add collider geometry 6 Replies

I find WASP to be a really cool tool to create aggregations. I worked with it throughout the semester and learned what it can do. However I cannot figure out what to use for the COLL input on the…Continue

Started by Vlad Buga. Last reply by GabrielaSullivan Sep 22, 2023.

Slot Puzzle Generator - Getting Error at Stochastic Aggregation Component 2 Replies

Hi All,I'm new to grasshopper/wasp and am designing something similar to the below image with customized units that aim to slot together.I tried having a go with just a simple geometry (rectangle -…Continue

Started by vhwt. Last reply by vhwt Sep 23, 2021.

Aggregation for housing unit. 4 Replies

HeyThanks for this awesome plugin. I am currently trying to create a housing unit aggregating blocks that represent a give space. However I am facing issues restricting the number of block of any…Continue

Started by huzefa patheria. Last reply by Andrea Rossi May 19, 2020.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Andrea Rossi on September 23, 2020 at 7:06am

Did you restart Rhino?

If the problem does not get fixed, Let's talk on the Discord chat, it should be easier to debug

Comment by Simon Gehring on September 23, 2020 at 7:04am

Thanks for the quick answer. 
I made the changes, unfortunately it still doesn´t work. 
I made sure it is not blocked, too.

What else could cause the problem?

Thanks in advance again!

Comment by Andrea Rossi on September 23, 2020 at 6:52am

Hi Simon,

the "" file has to be inside a folder called "Wasp", which is inside of the GH libraries folder. So, you should not have only the file there, but the file should be inside of a folder called Wasp.

Comment by Simon Gehring on September 23, 2020 at 6:42am


I´m haveing trouble with the installation of wasp. Although I have the python script in the right folder I still doesn´t work. 

I think I´m overlooking something obvious. Can someone help please?

Thank you very much in advance.

Comment by Andrea Rossi on July 2, 2019 at 12:20am

Hi Anna,

if you want to replace the aggregated geometry with the orginal BRep, you can deconstruct the part, get the TR output (which contains the transformation matrix applied to the part), and use a Transform component to place the original geometry instead of the mesh geometry.
You can see how to do that in the example file "0_04_Part_Geometry_Replacement", which you can find here: Github

Comment by AnnaTalya on July 1, 2019 at 9:39am


I wonder if you can please help me with the following issue:

I use the wasp 'part to geo' component and the output I get is multipale mesh faces,
[Mesh: (V:44 F:30)]

but I want that every face of a cube will be single mesh so I could work with the boundary curves.

Thank you,

Comment by Andrea Rossi on January 25, 2019 at 6:37am

Hi Bi,

for the origin point of the aggregation you can use a TransformPart component to place one part in the position where you want the aggregation to start, and then feed that part in the PREV input of the Aggregation component.

For your other questions, I am not 100% sure I understand what you mean. Would be best if you would create a new post in the discussion forum above, and post some images/files explaining your problems.

Comment by Hashbimi on January 25, 2019 at 5:05am

Hi Andrea,

I was hoping you could help me develop my Aggregation script.

there's a couple of things i want it to do, but am struggling to do so.

1) Origin point of aggregation 

2) Hierarchy in connections

3) Vertical aggregation over Horizontal 

4) Change points in Field Aggregation

Hope to hear from you soon,

kind regards,



Comment by Andrea Rossi on December 13, 2017 at 5:33am

Hi Cesar,

not sure if I understand, but if I do, it is not possible with the current version of Wasp, as each part is aware of the connection it is attached to, but not of the other ones. And to keep track of that, would add a quite significant computational load to the aggregation process.

But, just to make sure I understand, could you maybe post a screenshot of the problem here, or create a topic in the discussion forum above, so we can discuss how such feature could be implemented?


Comment by Cesar Arroyo on December 11, 2017 at 5:00am

With a small field sometimes geometry faces end up touching without a rule and I was wondering if there's a way of restricting this combinations.


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