
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Please post your desk crit/assignment #3's here:

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I found some scripts which allow the panel to be CNC routed.  Still figuring out how to write scripts to influence the surface itself.  


We talked yesterday - seems like you are on the right path.  Since you are looking to use the CNC - I am not going to make you have 3 pieces.  I do want you in the shop using the CNC once this week - do not wait until the last minute to learn how to use that machine.  Even if the script isn't done - get on that machine.

Hi, everybody:

Here is my assigment #3. 


Mery, looks really good!  Start thinking about you will make it - I would assume lasercutter for the roof, but how will the column and roof be connected?

Assignment #3


Kay, it is a little hard to see what is going on but it seems like you have a good grasp of the script.  Remember, three physical pieces are due next week - so start thinking about the ramifications of having that digital form in the real world!

Here is my first pass at a folding system.


For next week, I would print out a few of these and play around with the thickness of the paper you should use.  You also need to "calculate" a piece of data, which could be just the area of the panel or you could do color like this:

Escher Tessellations and Metamorphosis 

Working on applying more than one object to the same box morph. So the tessellation can gradually change into something else. 


I would spend this next week figuring a way you can assemble this before perfecting the script as a whole.  Once you have the connection of pieces figured out you can come back in and perfect the tessellation.  Remember, three pieces due Thursday!

Hi Joe,

Attached is my first attempt however it was very simple and not exactly what I'm looking to continue with. I hope to have a more complex parametric system for next week.




Looks good, but if your not going with it need to select something soon and go with it.  If you were sticking with this approach, this might work with the CNC machine the best.






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