
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello (again)

why some transformations transform all point cloud info (points and normals) and others don't?

for example move and scale work for both normals and points.

but when using rotate, orient etc the normals aren't processed. I used also the transform cloud component that comes with volvox, with same results.

thank you


Views: 1126

Replies to This Discussion

It seems that for all kinds of transformations the normals stay the same. I just overseen that, should be fixable in the next release. Given the mesh behavior for comparison, this is not how Rhino should handle point clouds transformations... will report it as a bug on rhino forum. For now let me just write a short script here which will transform the normals properly. 

Note : You have to add the volvox_cloud.dll library to the script references (right click > manage assemblies). 



thank you for your answer and solution. i referenced the dll but i am getting a red flag

1. Data conversion failed from Cloud to Cloud

maybe dlls have moved forward since last official release?

Btw aren't meshes supposed to behave like point clouds when transformed? I did not undestand where the rhino bug is.

thank you again for your time and support.


i have rewritten your script without changing a single line and it works. this is strange.

back to lightning speed definition.


If you by any chance have 2 copies of the library you might end up with referencing the other one in which case you can't pass the cloud separately. I also have a feeling that you should restart Rhino when referencing this library anyway (wild guess).

yes i kept running into this with plankton, for that reason i keep backup of older plugin versions zipped in another hard disk. When referencing the assembly i cleared all references, added the one pointing to the dll on my machine, vb node got white but anything after that red.

It is amazing how few lines speed up something from minutes to seconds. (the white parts)note to self: its time i stop postponing code learning.





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