
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello Mateusz

I am saving and then trying to load a point cloud. During save, a precision of 6 decimals is chosen, double quotes disabled.

When i try to load it the following happens.

The point cloud file is saved with the correct precision, but load ignores it.

Am i missing something?



Views: 449

Replies to This Discussion

save component uses comma which messes things up.

update. for future reference

decimal symbol is handled by windows. Usually, when a European format is chosen in Region and Language (windows 7) the default is comma. So clicking from Region and Language the additional settings, one can set the Decimal symbol to be dot, so that save component will save with dots describing decimals.

don't know if this affects other software.

Aren't regional settings lovely ? :)  We will try to make it culture invariant, might help.


yes, they are great keeping us busy with issues. i ve seen whole software UIs go mad, with greek scheme chosen.

thank you for the feedback





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