
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Please, feel free to use this thread to report us any bug or problem, ask for an specific feature or a suggestions for VisualARQ Grasshopper Components.

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Hi Fernando,

I think that the problem is that there is an existing wall style in the document with the same name as the style you are creating in the Grasshopper definition.

When a bake is performed, only selected components are baked, and related objects are only baked if there is no other element with the same name.

In order to update the wall style in the document, you need to bake also the wall style.

Let me know if this solves your problem.

Hi Enric, I didn't know I had to bake the styles, I didn't know how that worked. So yes, that was the solution. Thank you very much.

Another question, is there a way to embed doors or windows into curtain walls? I need to model a three-storey curtain wall facade, and it has some swing doors and some sliding and awning windows. How could I achieve this? And if it's not possible through VisualARQ components, any other suggestions?

Hi Fernando, since the 1.9 version it is possible to insert doors and windows in curtain walls, in the same way as you can do it in regular walls.

The preview of these elements doesn't perform the opening hole inside the curtain wall, but as soon as you bake both elements, the intersection will be created with the baked geometry.

Best regards,

Hi Francesc, I had the idea that the option to insert doors or windows would be inside the curtain wall style, and it never occurred to me to treat the curtain wall as a regular wall. I tried it already and I see how it works now.

Thank you very much.

Hi, I created the levels for my building through the VisualARQ Grasshopper Component, I baked them anto Rhino, which can be seen to the right at the Levels toolbar. However, the right and front views show levels different than those at the Levels toolbar and at the Grasshopper definition. How can I solve this?

Also, is there a way to snap elements to the levels?


The building elevation gets added to the level elevations in the model. They will match if you set the elevation of the building to 0.0.

The best way to "snap" elements to levels is to use your level elevation inputs by also connecting them to the inputs used to locate your respective reference geometry, and/or the height parameters within object options.

Thank you very much, both solutions worked perfectly.







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