
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Now Tree8 has a new Component "Smart T8" with the integrated smart first-end algorithm..


There have been First-End List and First-End Item Components in Tree8..


But, with multi-dimensional data tree..


First-End List Component cannot manage branches inside every dimensions..


"Smart T8" Component is developed for managing the multi dimensional data tree with first-end algorithm.


It works with path index location..


"-1" or negative numbers mean the location of item..


"0" means the location of the last path index..


positive numbers mean the location from the back..





Now look at this example.. a simple 3-dimensional boxes..


In the data tree.. of {0;0;i;j} (k)


"k" is the item index.. Y direction..


"j" is the last path.. X direction..


and "i" is the level.. Z direction..




When index < 0 (i.e. "-1" or negative)


"Smart T8" performs like the First-End Item Component..


It selects first items in each list and puts them out to "F"..


and in this example.. they are boxes with same Y coordinate(=0)..

In the below image..


F(Red) M(Transparent Green) E(Blue) are classified by Y coordinates..






When index = 0


"Smart T8" focuses on the last path index..


It selects first list of every {0; 0; i; *} set of lists.. (i.e. every levels)

In this example.. they are boxes with same X coordinate(=0)..


because the last path means X grid..


In the below image..


F(Red) M(Transparent Green) E(Blue) are classified by X coordinates..







When index = 1

"Smart T8" focuses on the third path index.. (i.e. 1 step from the back)


It selects first list of every {0; 0; *; j} set of lists..


Actually in this case.. they are first levels of every YZ planes..

In this example.. they are boxes with same Z coordinate(=0)..


because "Smart T8" manages levels now (index=1)..


In the below image..


F(Red) M(Transparent Green) E(Blue) are classified by levels..







When index > 1.. (if it is meaningless index or out of range..)


It performs First-End List Component..


It selects only the first and end list of all lists..







The "Smart T8" component works with 3 or more dimensional data tree well..


Please control the focusing index and enjoy it.. :)



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