
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm trying to create a mesh starting from a branching. Operations that I have done:

- branching creation

- associating a parallelepiped to each branching line

- parallelepiped union with SLFastMesh

Parallelepipeds are parametrized in order to control base dimensions.

The problem is that SlFastMesh command works with only some couple of base values. 

How can I solve this?

Thank you very much


Views: 1356


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Do you obtain the same geometry as I do after slRelax ?

I think that you might be interested in Exoskeleton too... 

Yes, I obtain the same geometry, but when I change values in "construct domain"  in order to change the base section of the parallelepiped, I often obtain an error in SlFastMesh: "solution exception object reference not set to an instance of an object".

I would like to find a way to fix it.

I have just tried using Exoskeleton, but I need more possibilities of variations than the ones that Exo can do.

Thank you very much,






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