
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Mateusz,

thank you for this tasty squid! I really like it.
One thing I noticed is the Squid Save component default location... you (Mateusz) are not a user of my pc, so the default is only useful for your machine. And to be frank: I'd like a boolean input to use as "save!" command, pretty please.

Great work!

Views: 769

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That's weird, gonna check it. 

Save command produces save instruction. Squid is the thing executing this instruction. 

You can save manually the drawing with the Squid window open (press F1 to get the idea of all it's features - ctrl+s = save).

EDIT : checked, everything looks ok within the code itself. I'm going to look for some other solutions. Technically I use a Windows function returning the desktop directory, dunno why it get's hardcoded after compilation.

Regarding your saving idea : I really think the way it is now is better, give it a shot :D

If you insist I can do that for some next release, but I really cannot find any use for that now...

I wonder whether there is an better way of saving than automatic save? If I am making a gif of for example 30 slides, I have to make sure I went with the slider through all of the numbers + so I have to do it slowly. If the grasshopper jumps over a few steps on slider because I move mouse faster, then the animation lacks a few slides in between. Am I doing something wrong with autosave?

I have found an answer myslef - using TT Toolbox brute force tool. Then it exports many still frames with one click

every time i get png file over riding the previous

is this an error? how can i get the images in order to create the gif?

is there a gif compiler option in the Squid? or do i nee to externally use the folder to generate it?

saw this today as well >

thnx :)






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