algorithmic modeling for Rhino
SpiderWeb is a .NET library providing functionality for preforming calculations on graphs. The library is created with a special focuse on the integration of graphs and graph related theroies (e.g. SpaceSyntax) in parametric design envoirnments. Therefore special Versions are avalible for:
DesignScript (planned)
Any feedback, questions or critic is welcomed.
General introduction into graph theory
Documentation and samples
.NET documentation for SpiderWebLibrary.dll and GH_SpiderWebLibrary.dll
Location: Vienna
Members: 261
Latest Activity: Dec 6, 2023
Hello all.Do we have a link/backup or anything with documentation and examples on spiderweb?all links are downThank you in advance.Best IasonContinue
Started by Iason Giraud Feb 16, 2022.
Hi!I would like to know if there is a way to measure in Spider Web the…Continue
Started by Md01. Last reply by Richard Schaffranek Dec 7, 2018.
can someone show me the definition and i cant find any example of spiderweb,can someone…Continue
Started by wiku. Last reply by Ukendt Kunstner Nov 3, 2018.
Hi!I've been trying to come up with a definition that will allow me to make one continous polyline of mesh edges to allow me to print it with a 3d extruder on a robotic arm.I haven't used spiderweb…Continue
Started by Louise Wotton. Last reply by Louise Wotton Dec 7, 2017.
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Hey Richard,
I've just downloaded spiderweb, i must admit it was for the Duplicate line tool. But looking through the example files this looks really impressive and i'm gonna have to do some research.
In particular the woodworking joint has caught my eye. Could you perhaps give me a little information of this model? What the logic is. I cant quite follow the graph related parts of the script. Does the graph maintain the relationship to each beams members to simplify Boolean operations? What does the color coding represent?
Thanks in advance man
Rutten's 3rd Law of Grasshopper
"Never release something with ugly icons."
It's a big complement :)
More than a new Icon!
Nice new Icon!
Ok, thanks.
I will post something when I'm done, still working out some issues and details.
Hmm sounds fun, could you post something in the gallery?
I create Spideweb with the idea to be able to use measurements proposed i.e. by SpaceSyntax as a generative input,...
So the problem if you don't just analyse geometry but create geometry you have to make some simplifications.
Possibilities of movement on surface can be representation through a orthogonal grid of lines. This abstraction doesn't take into account that you could walk diagonal. So the filters are used in order to even the values.
-> longest average path
Ok, thanks! Could you give an example of what you use it for?
BTW, kudos for spiderweb! I'm using it for justified plan graph analysis (with the aim of creating an adaptability assessment tool for buildings).
It simply takes the Values of the Neighbours of a Vertex and the Value of the Vertex itself and the calculates the median Value or the average Value depending which one you pick.
So lets assume we have a Vertex [V] connected to four other Vertexs [N1-N4].
Each of the has a Value:
V ... 1
N1 ... 5
N2 ... 3
N3 ... 8
N4 ... 11
The Average Filter would set the Value of [V] to
(1+5+3+8+11)/5 = 5,6
The Median Filter would Sort Values and pick the middle one
1,3, [5], 8, 11
Hope that helped...
What does the neighbourhood filter component do? It isn't mentioned in the overview of the components.
The diagonals are due to the rounding erros in Rhino. But if you download the newest releas this is taken care of. For the other problem there seams to be some strange error in the code, which I will fix after my hollydays, sorry!
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