
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Speckle does stuff with Grasshopper and the Internet (usually). 

Speckle has quite a rich, albeit short, history: 

1. Speckle The First:

Speckle The First simply allows you to upload geometry to a server and then view it online from anywhere. 

2. Speckle The Second:

Speckle The Second allows you to precompute a discrete portion of your solution space and then play with it online by manipulating sliders, through some quite primitive sliders. 

3. Speckle The Third:

Speckle The Thirds does the same as Speckle The Second (see above), but better and is wrapped in a more attractive ui. 

All the above were experiments in developing a protocol for design data communication that is easy to use and just works. 

Forward to now:

Speckle enables data rich collaboration between designers: structure your own communications channels and evolve complexity gradually, from simple geometry to fully integrated BIM-like “smart” objects.

Check out the tutorials: 

1. How to install

2. How to send and receive data

3. How to build your own bim

Speckle is Open Source, released under the MIT Licence. That's polite language that you can do whatever the f*** you want with it, including taking the code and start selling it for a profit (as long as you credit). 

Another important thing to note is that we are taking feature requests and we do ask questions, but not in the grasshopper forum: 

We hang out on slack and on the discourse forum.


Location: London
Members: 83
Latest Activity: Mar 10, 2023

Discussion Forum

Speckle Viewer Issues

Hello there,I'm trying to get Speckle viewer to work & I'm not having a huge amount of success, so just want to check if I'm doing something wrong, or if there is a problem somewhere else!Here's…Continue

Started by Emma-Kate Matthews Oct 18, 2017.

Beta.Speckle Beta Run 9 Replies

Hello All, is ready for a trial run. If you're interested, use the following beta key to get access: smoothsliders Just pop it in the "I…Continue

Started by Dimitrie Stefanescu @idid. Last reply by owe Feb 10, 2017.

Testing speckle

Hello, I tried to test the speckle stream. But if I´m  loading Grasshopper and have the folder SpeckleSuite (with the .gha and the .dlls in it) in the Libraries folder, Rhino is crashing. Grasshopper…Continue

Started by 3dcon Dec 31, 2016.

speckle upload error

Dimitri ,speckle is still working? Non of its versións are working for me.ThanksContinue

Started by Luis García Lara Nov 12, 2016.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Dimitrie Stefanescu @idid on February 18, 2016 at 4:17am

Ha, wow, Remy! Merci beaucoup pour ca! Je dois aussi ecrire plus de documentation (mais j'ai pas du temps dans cette moment). 

Si tu veux le traduire en anglais, tu peux contribuire sur le wiki on github (

Excuse moi pour mon francais de merde...

Comment by Rémy Maurcot on February 17, 2016 at 8:14am

Pour les utilisateurs Français, j'ai écrit un article sur mon blog.


Members (83)






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