
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Maybe I just cant find the relevant information but how to decode this search result?

how, for example, find geolocation ingormation of search results?

Views: 812

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The result is in XML.


gHowl comes with an XML parser so you might give that one a try.  The workflow would be:

1.  Stream your panel contents (out of the Twitter component) to a file location.

2.  Supply file path to the gHowl XML parser.


The data should be much more usable after that.


I am working a more elegant way of dealing with web-based XML feeds in the next release.  The twitter component is still in its infancy...  more proof-of-concept at this point.




There is a new version available which includes a new Twitter component.  Outputs provide parsed results in addition to the XML.  head over to the wiki to get the latest...


Nathan, thank you very much for that!

Wonder if we can do the same for other services, like Flikr, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Nathan, say me please how to enlarge number of twits this node founded?

now it seems to be max of 15

are there any ways to deal with a really huge amoung of twits, more than 1500?

Can we somehow for example search one set of 1000 twits, store them, and go to next 1000? 

The limit is set by the Twitter Search API itself. I have no control over that.

I have been looking at the Twitter Streaming API also... this gives you a continuous feed of current Tweets in json format.


I've been playing a little bit with this component and the spanish premium risk index...15 tweets limit from Twitter Search API sucks...:( 

what is this definition doing exactly? It looks interesting. Thanks 






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