
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello Group,

It has been almost 3 months since the first release of the MySQL tools for Grasshopper and I am curious to know if anyone has been using the tools and if there are any comments or questions.


I am planning on an ODBC version of the plug-in which will allow connectivity to other popular databases...  Feedback at this stage is much appreciated!





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Hello Nathan.


It's a pretty old post, but seems to be the right place for feedback.


First, congratulation and thanks for that tool.

As I have to deal with quite large (and slow...) definitions in Grasshopper. So, I once made an attempt to bind ms sqlServer in order to get frozen definitions at some states, to avoid managing baked objects in Rhino and also be able to retain whole results without using the GH state manager that rebuilds everything.

But at that time GH's VB.Net component didn't properly read referenced dlls and I forgot it since then.


At first, I was surprised by Slingshot's extensive interface : I was still having in mind my own old project, a tool that would have acted at the Rhino's geometry object level, and auto creating the needed tables.

The bd would have consisted of a main table, owning the objects ID and name, and related tables containing the necessary information relative to the main objects.

For example, a Brep is made of so and so underlying objects, passed to respective tables, according to GH  objects definition layout (just the way they are written in the xml schema).

Then, on a db, query an object by name, and retrieve the whole object or underlying objects (e.g. at the bounding curves level, or points level for a Brep).


With Slingshot, I made a few attempts to cheat GH with BLOB data fields, but no way to get a whole object. It seems that GH simply provides an object.toString ... and GH is definitely not conceived to produce persistence outside of Rhino. If I have some spare time, I will try to extract


About points and colors, I am now simply using a single field with CHAR(asLargeAsNeeded...), as GH parses String to every Point (or Vector or Color) entry of any component.

I do so because it need less to display on the canvas...


Whatever I wrote before, I really like your conception, as opened to relational interactions between ...whatever you need or dream of !


One last thing : GH can't open the definition file "" that I've downloaded from your site : I was expecting to learn a lot from your very smart stuff ! (I am running GH 08.00.13 and Slingshot


Slingshot is running great, opened to any use...Thanks again.




Wow, thanks for the detailed feedback.  I am glad you are enjoying the tool!!


As for the Genome DB... I made it when after I upgraded to the latest Grasshopper (v.8005) so you may need to upgrade to that.  The definition demonstrates how to set up a genome table...but not much else.


Thanks again for your thoughts and compliments.




Hi Nathan


I discoverd your tool today, and i find it very usefull.

Thank you very much.


Hi Nathan,


I've discovered today your tool and already started to play with it;

I think that the possibility to have grasshopper uploading content to an internet database is great.

Keep up the good work!


Many thanks 



Hi Nathan, I know this is an old discussion and it's meant for feedback, however I found an old video ( of you explaining the 'Rhino Pack' and 'Rhino Unpack' components. However, once I installed Slingshot!, I realiced these components no longer exist. I imagine there's a better way to do the same with the current components, but I don't really know much about databases or SQL. I would really appreciate it if you could point me into the right direction? I think being able to work with different linked definitions can be extremely powerful.


Fernando Maytorena






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