
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Santiago,

I would like to ask another question. I am trying to use Surface Panel Mode. It works well for Untrimmed Surfaces but when I try to provide Trimmed Surfaces as input surfaces then it does not recognize this kind of surface. 

Is it an intrinsic behavior of the Skindesigner or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks again for your time and response :) 

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Hi Usmi,

I noticed that your trims have 5 or 6 edges. The limitation of Surface panel mode is that it only accepts quads(4 edges) or triangles(3 edges).

Also, if you will be working with trims, please note that sometimes is good practice to grab the edges of the trimmed surface (Brep edges component)and generate a new surface with it (Boundary Surfaces component) to get a clean untrimmed surface matching the trimmed one.


Thanks a lot, Santiago, the brep edges do not work but I found a way around it. If I change the width and height of the panel to a really large number let's say 100 meters then it just adopts the shape of the surface (just like surface panel mode and I do not even have to turn on the surface panel mode) and it is applicable on rectangular surfaces. 

So, it's working great on my surfaces :)

Cool, yes that makes sense. In "standard" mode, the Skin Generator always rebuilds clean vertical surfaces based on the input surfaces, so in this case it would get rid of those extra edges in the trimmed surfaces. Works perfectly when you want vertical rectangular surfaces like in this case.

Good finding, this should come handy to others in the future!







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