
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Request to fix the Bug or issues on "SD DynamicGeoemtry with PanelFunctions"

Hi Santiago,

Thank you for sharing this amazing development of SkinDesigner. I think it is so helpful to design facade.

Currently I am learning about SkinDesigner from the shared examples in Rhino7.

However, I found out that some scripts do not work in the current version of Rhino 7.

For example, when I just run the script of “SD DynamicGeoemtry with PanelFunctions”, it seems that “Trim To Panel size” in “SkinDesinger_CustomGeometry” component does not work.

Currently, the shared script does not work.

I tested by shifting "True" or "False" for “Trim To Panel size” in “SkinDesinger_CustomGeometry” and found out that the boolen difference does not work. Please find the attached screenshots.


Could you kindly fix this bug?

If it is a matter on my end, could you please let me know how to solve it?

If you allow, I would like to keep asking the bug or issues like this.

Because my labtop is new and just started to use your scripts, I feel newer will experience same issues.

I am looking forward to hearing back from you.

Thank you,



Views: 77


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Hyunsik,

Booleans can be tricky in Rhino but we can look at a couple of things first.

Could you please provide the units and Absolute tolerance value you have in your settings?








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