
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everybody!

I'm Axel, 3d printing designer and music researcher at Makers CAFE London.

Here right now we're running a few different projects to show what the 3d printers can do.

I run into an issue that probably ia my fault, im using Ultimaker 2 and when i export the setting file from slic3r, silkworm is not reading it.

Im isung the last updates of slic3r and silkworm

Thank you guys,
Axel from Makers Cafe

Views: 1528

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You should see the basic file on silkworm website.

There's 2 or 3 lines at the end that are specific for silkworm.

You have to copy them into your .ini files at the end.

It should make the difference.

But sometimes there's bug.

For myself it always make gcode with temp request but my printer doesn't have temperature since it only use cold matters.

Silmkworm is still a beta version and have a long way to go but it is very practical.

Keep going ;)

Hi Axel,

Great to meet you - We are neighbours! I run the FabPub near Old Street :) Drop by next week?

See the ini file attached, does it work better? As Louis-Marie mentioned, just need to change couple lines at the beginning to match the accepted format.

Silkworm is open source - we're looking for collaborators if you guys are interested, we have a massive todo list?

All the best,



Thank you very much Arthur!

I'll try this afternoon and I'll let you know!

Send me an email, I'm really interested to work on that project!




I want to print from Silkworm to Ultimaker 2- Could you please help me to set up the speed, and temperature, as well as speed range that I could use ? To be sure I will note damage the printer?

These are some basic setting for start and end of a code, where I ve changed the temperature and Z coordinates manually (because bottom was hitting the nozzle)  but still deal with the speed - to be sure it will not damage the printer ?for PLA 

G28 ; home all axes
M82 ; use absolute distances for extrusion
G90 ; use absolute coordinates
G21 ; set units to millimeters
G92 E0 ; reset extrusion distance
M104 S210 ; set temperature
M109 S210 ; wait for temperature to be reached
G1 Z0.300 F360 E1
G92 E0 ; reset extrusion distance
M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
G28 X0 ; home X axis
M84 ; disable motors

It would be à pleasure to participate but i'm designer and have no programmation skills. I'm curently working on some New filling pattern With grasshopper and also some ways to design the toolpath With less travelling movementS. For what i think about toolpath i need something that more close to a perfect move more than something close to the initial Shape... This is my artistic vision of 3d printing






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