algorithmic modeling for Rhino
mxBake. Bakes Grasshopper geometry with Maxwell materials. When connecting to this component nothing will happen. Bake this component with the Grasshopper menus to bake.
mxmBake. Saves materials to MXM files.
mList. Gets all the current materials from the Maxwell scene manager. You can use this list if you don't want to create your own materials but bake materials to your Grasshopper geometry.
mxDiffuseMaterial. Creates a Maxwell material from diffuse reflectance colors.
mxEmitterMaterial. Creates a Maxwell material that has emitter properties. Inputs are emitter color, power and efficacy.
mxBasicMaterial. Creates a Mawell material that exposes all basic properties of a single BSDF layer.
Params (this section is mainly for internal use)
mxMat. A collection of maxwell materials.
mxTex. A collection of generic texture slots. The textures represent the slot that controls i.e. Reflectance or Bump color/texture in the material editor.
mxTexSimple. Use to combine texture files with alternative colors or values or set the tiling properties of the texture.
mxTex. Exposes all parameters you get when doubleclicking the texture patch in the material editor.
mxTexView. Displays the texture and its connected properties. You can use this to verify your texture slots.
mxRoot. Exposes the main paths of Maxwell Render.
Folder. Searches a folder for all the files matching asearch pattern.
Split. Splits a path into the components path, filename, extension.
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Very cool Addition to GH - I've missed this for long time already :)
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