
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



PhylloMachine is a set of scripts/UserObject for Grasshopper to model plants using some properties of phyllotaxis.

The basic idea is that a mesh with phyllotaxis proportions has a topology described by two Fibonacci numbers, and its topology (indices of vertices of faces, parastichies spirals, cycles and topological neighbors) is described by simple number sequences without geometric calculation.
Thanks to these, it can be modeled parametrically plant organs such as branches, leaves or petals, with very nature-like results.

PhylloMachine continues to be a work in progress, it's written in VisualBasic and it is open source. Released under the GNU 3.0 license.

Enjoy it! ツ

Location: Inside a seed
Members: 55
Latest Activity: Aug 2, 2023

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Feel free to consult your doubts about PhylloMachine components, about its use, its code or the implementation of the phyllotaxis. Consider adding a discussion instead of a comment.


If you find an error or something strange, please let me know.


Are you missing some functionality? Let's see what we can do.

Next season

I encourage all those interested in continuing the development of PhylloMachine to contact me via There is room for many improvements: new components; the same phyllo-wrap over several curves; somehow overlap organs like petals to the stem; branching; growth or L-System used for modeling. I am especially interested in implementing parametric L-System because the result would be just wonderful.

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Comment by giusseppe on July 1, 2023 at 7:13am


I am trying to work through your example files but I keep getting an error in components…..BC30451:vbCrLf is not declared……
this shows up even on the fibonacci component
I am workinng on a Mac rhino ver 7
Any help would be much appreciated

where to bend next……
Comment by Daniel González Abalde on October 5, 2015 at 3:02am

Nice Mitchell! Thank you for showing. 

Comment by Mitchell Bring on October 4, 2015 at 6:00pm

PhylloMachine goes CNC...


Thought you would like to see what happens when you release great code into the wild...I have been wanting to do something like this for a while...Tried working with XFrog and some other commercial plant makers. The image attached is the sepal part of your demo. One is flipped inside out. Carved in red oak (Quercus ruba) in about 2 hours...A mere 978K lines of g code using a 2 mm bit. Thanks for the tool!

Comment by Daniel González Abalde on October 4, 2015 at 5:41am

Then it seems to be due to different versions of RhinoCommon. I have made these components in RhinoCommon 5.1.30000.12 (SR 8). The following versions may have ceased to have that command, because to me work well. Try replacing the line 190 by the following command (double click on the component, look for the line and replace it).

Dim arrnaked As curve() = New curve(){}

In this sample file, the parameter C (Close) of PhylloSurf component must be false, and well, you can use the component but without the option of close it.

Comment by Nadya Kutyreva on October 4, 2015 at 4:26am

Daniel, i've tried to change "SoftE" from 0.1 to 1, nothing has changed. I've plug simple surface, the same problem still exists.

Please, help me to understand what i'm doing wrong.

Comment by Daniel González Abalde on September 28, 2015 at 5:03am

Hi Nadya,

plug a surface on the first input "Srf", instead of a brep. In this sample file, the ring becomes surface when "SoftE" parameter is greater than zero, if it is zero, it will be a brep and PhylloSurf will fail.

Comment by Nadya Kutyreva on September 27, 2015 at 7:52am

Comment by Nadya Kutyreva on September 27, 2015 at 7:51am

Hello, Daniel. Your plug-in is inspiring. I am trying to learn PhylloMachine, but I've stuck in examples.

I have a node in the algorithms, which doesn't work properly. Can you help me?

This is the node phyllosurface — a prinscreen of an error error.jpg I don't know how to fix this issue. 

Comment by Mitchell Bring on September 16, 2015 at 7:54am


Thanks Daniel, 


Comment by Daniel González Abalde on September 16, 2015 at 5:22am

Hello Mitchel,
the definitions of the documentation are on the first sample file "0PhylloMeshGH". Is this what you need?


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