
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

You can download it from the usual place:

To support the development:

These are some of the changes:

- Some improvements in components.

     - Now in the rings can be specified the regional system of size/gauge.

     - Redone several components: Gems by curve, Gems by 2 curves, Cutter, Gems studio, Cabuchon studio, Rings, Hollow thickness, Text by curve, metal preview and animation.

     - Bugs fixed.

- New Components:
     - Channel on surface.

     - Cutters in line 0.

     - Cutters in line 1.

     - Cutters in line 2.

     - A set of profiles.

     - Size to radius.

     - Size to size.

     - Offset on surface variable.

     - Surface offset solid.

Peacock is a project that is still under development, please contact the author to report bugs, make suggestions or resolve your doubts.

Daniel Abalde

Views: 2495

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Daniel,

The add-on looks promising! 

I opened the sample files and some the components fail to work (see the orange lines on the right hand) tracking the data to the component, which shows a null output, not sure if relates to mac (using RhinoWIP for mac). Perhaps I do not know how to use your components.

If you would have a wiki for the project, users could contribute tutorials, just one suggestion to balance workload. 



Thanks jegb,

it is known that many components may not work correctly in mac. Little can be done in the meantime, maybe you might like to partition the disk and install windows on your computer to work with the full potential of gh + plugins.

Thanks for the answer. Do you know if these components will be platform independent in the future?

That's the plan but I can not anticipate when we started working on multiplatform.


thanks for this tool, looks amazing!

however, I'm having difficulties since it need several other libraries like kangaroo for tools like Pave to work.

I've tried with the newest as well as the old version of kangaroo but seems that it's failing to load the dll.

how did you solve this?

that is the only component that has dependencies. For the next version there will be none. You need to have Kangaroo 0.99 instaled, the kangaroo0099.gha in the libraries folder. If this does not work for you, please send me more details to

HI :)

Is there any way to rotate prongs? i want to make gems on curve with prongs in the same directions. When i add prongs they are only in one direction. When i change 'positions" they disappear or there is only one prong.

Please look also in the atyachment. I tried to do gems on curve with prongs, but something went wrong - (different spacing between prongs at the top than at the bottom).

What am I doing wrong?




Hmm.. something is wrong in the component, sorry for that. That component is a spaghetti,  I do not want to touch it xD. Please note that this component I did in my earliest moments in gh. I am rewriting Peacock from scratch (.gha, not UserObjects), so the next versions will be more stable. For now you can use this definition:


Hi Daniel,

You are doing good job for us. I'm just starting my adventure with GH :)

Thank you very much for prompt reply ! That is what i needed :)


thanks for sharing this, the components seem locked in grey, as they were disabled, is there anything needed to see the output of the definition?

Hey, I don't know what components you mean. If you mean [Prongs Studio] component, is hidden (not disabled) and you need to plug in the first input (a gem) to operate. Anyway, this thread is outdated, please use the latest version of the components (v0.99 | Teen release).

Hi Daniel

I am a fine jewellery designer and I use your plug in to make cutter.

and i have little this i would like to fix in the cluster, can i have the password?






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