
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi! I want to create bended brick wall on grasshopper. I 've tried several ways to creat it until now, and I have two ways which are near to the result.

First way, I created a surface and divided it and created bricks on the surface. I can bend it easily, but the wall's masonary is not true.

Other way, I created brick wall and it's masonary is right, but I couldn't bend it. For this way, It may be possible  adding a surface to the wall and  possible bending.

As a result, Is there any way to continue the my ways, any mistake on the ways  or any different ways.

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Dear Doğukan,

The problem you are trying to solve is quite complex in fact. Beware that deep inside, your are trying to create an algorithm to somehow discretize a free-form-like surface into equal volume elements, and (possibly) perfectly fitting each other, which is not something straightforward... A whole PhD could be written on that! And also, GH is not the best tool for this, since a rigurous approach to this problem would involve iterative analysis and geometry generation, which standard GH components are not so good for.

I would suggest you two paths:

- Either restrict the 'bending' of your surface, and create a very controlled curved geometry where you can pattern the brick wall analitically (for example a vertical straight extrusion of a generic curve), or

- Don't go the brick wall way and abstract your patterning to some other elements, like bars structure or panels, where same-size is not a restriction and you can accomodate yourself better to free geometry.

Good luck!






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