
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, hi Rajaa

I'm trying to create a diagonal grid on a periodic surface and i encountered the famous problem of missing diamonds along the vertical edge (gathering all points 0 of the grid). To solve it i saw the topic where i should find my solution. So i tried to do the same as Rajaa showed in the screenshot and the moment i link the component "convert to Diamond" with the "wrap grids" component my all rhino crashes and dont even shows an error log to see what failed. I thought by linking first convert diamond then wrap item it would work and actually it seems to work because there is added data (432 points instead of 325) but no matter what number of wrapped steps it never covers that gap.

Someone knows why the first solution Rajaa showed is getting my Rhino down? If not can you help me figure out what input i need to set to get a periodic paneled grid on my surface?

The surface is internalized in the .gh file 

Thanks all

Views: 1512


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Dam,

As for the solution, you do not want to convert to diamond before wrapping the grid. Use pWrap first on the rectangular grid, then convert to diamond.
Covering to diamond changes the direction of the grid and end up with rows that have non equal number of elements. Apparently the wrapping did not know what to do with it, but it should not crash. I will investigate.

Hi Rajaa

Tanks for your reply, I just tried this way (wrapping first then convert to diamond) on another computer to see if there is something with mine that makes it crash every times i am doing it, and it does the same, rhino crashes inexplicably with no log. For info this second rhino was setup on a 32bits computer. I believe this crash issue come from Paneling Tools or grasshopper.

Yup, I do see it crashing here too. I will look into it. Thanks for sharing.

Hi Rajaa,

I finally solved my issue with the second way to apply a diagonal grid in a periodic surface described here ( Page 13. It's doing it great and most of all, it allows to manage the items with their U;V Indices better than the convert to diamond component. 







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