
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all!

I have a problem, after installing PT grasshopper plug-in is not loaded, the program displays the following message:

"An error occured during GHA assembly loading:
   Path: C: \ Program Files \ Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit) \ Plug-ins \ PanelingTools \ Win64 \ PTComponentLibrary.gha
   Exception System.IO.FileLoadException:
   Message: Could not load file or assembly "file: /// C: \ Program Files \ Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit) \ Plug-ins \ PanelingTools \ Win64 \ PTComponentLibrary.gha" or one of its dependencies. Operation not supported. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131515)

Exception System.NotSupportedException:
   Message: An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network share that in previous versions of .NET Framework could lead to putting the assembly in the "sandbox". This release does not include the .NET Framework default CAS policy, so this download can be dangerous. If the load is not designed for the isolation of the assembly, turn loadFromRemoteSources switch. For more information see. On page

Please help to solve this problem.

Views: 680

Replies to This Discussion

Have you installed PanelingTools to be used "Just me" or "Anyone who uses this computer"?

I assume you have installed the latest (October 2016)?

There is a chance you might have multiple PT installed in different locations. If you search for PanelingTools.rhp, just one should turn out, and in the same folder, you should see 3 other files. See attached.






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