
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

You probably already know that you can access PanelingTools in the Mac RhinoWIP (all commands auto-complete when you type "pt"). RhinoWIP for Mac also lets you access Grasshopper when you run "ExplicitHistory" command.

What's exciting is that I just compiled PanelingTools for Grasshopper for Rhino for the Mac WIP! If you like to try it, please do the following:

- Make sure you have the latest release of Rhino for Mac WIP (

- Open new model in RhinoWIP and run "ExplicitHistory" in the command line. That will open the Grasshopper window.

- In Grasshopper menu, go to File>Special Folders> Component Folder. then drag the attached file (PTComponetLibrary.gha, and PanelingToolsDotNet.dll) to that folder.

- Quit RhinoWIP and reopen. Run ExplicitHistory command. Now you will see PanelingTools tab added to Grasshopper tabs.

Now you can have some fun!

Please share your thoughts, and of course if you see any problems.

Views: 4965


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THANK you !! 

Hello Rajaa,

Nice to have PT-GH on the Mac.

I'm having a bit of a problem with the grid domain.

Installed the latest versions, but it won't work.

Here some details.



Have the same problem, hoping for an update :)

hello rajaa,

right this morning I've installed the new rhino Mac whip update but the error messages remains (for me for almost all pt commands I load in grasshopper).

I'm using Mac OS X Sierra without no one problem with rhino Mac, using pt directly in rhino and using explicit history.

any news about your addon?

thank you very much,


Hi Roy,

There 's a bug in it, but it seems there's some progress.

Here's a list with Grasshopper Mac components with the ones that are working and which are


thank you very much, also for the list

Just compiled a new PT for the latest RhinoMac WIP and updated the instructions. Let me know if it works for you.

Note there are 2 files to put in the Grasshopper Library Folder.


Hi Rajaa,

Did a test and it worked fine.



Does this kind of work around work for other gh addons? Did you try that?

Thanks a lot Rajaa! I am trying to get this setup on Rhino 6 on the mac and I am getting errors where the plugin does not seem to be able to find the PT commands? Would really appreciate your help!

Thank You


We just released the instructions to install PT-GH for Rhino 6. Please find it here (under For Grasshopper>In Mac 6):

Let me know if that works for you.






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