
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Rajaa, thank you for bringing PT to Grasshopper.

I am doing my first tests with PT for GH an I ran into a problem:

How do I get a pattern like shown in the attached screenshot? Thanks, Wieland

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Hi Weiland,

I don't know if this is exactly what you are looking for, but there is an example of defining patterns from grids in the sample files, (

I think of the process as being Similar to custom 2d paneling operation. Except in this case, we need to define the points that make up the base pattern unit. (This is taken directly from rajaa's sample file with the minor addition of the grid point labels group)

The grid points are defined by i and j.  For this pattern, after entering the highlighted i and j locations, we define a base pattern that is essentially 2 x 2.  

This means we have to "shift" the unit grid by 2 in both i and j directions. (this is where I think of the 2d custom paneling operation, you need to specify the spacing for how your pattern will be distributed across the grid).

I'm still working through these myself so I apologize in advance for any potentially incorrect information!

I'm sure Rajaa will have a much more elegant description/suggestion.

Hi Weiland,

Chris covered it well.  I would only add that you can fill the inner diamonds by using a sub grid as in the image.

There is a command in PanelingTools plugin to convert a rectangular grid to a diamond one. This will be ported in future releases.
Let us know if this is what you are after.

Hi Rajaa, hi Chris,

thank you both so much for your time and the great explanation. This is exactly what I was looking for. I understand the pattern strings now... at least this easy one.

Thanks, Wieland






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