algorithmic modeling for Rhino
I seem to be having the same problem as others. I've got the newest verions of rhino 5 and grasshopper and the panelling tools in rhino working.
However, I can't get the panelling tools in grasshopper to work: the grid doesn't get generated, as soon as I assign a surface the icon turns red!
any fixes to the problem?
there was some similar discussion, and possible solutions, discussed here there other day.
(scroll down to the comments). maybe give that a try?
Hi Chris,
Thanks for your comment. I do ge the panelling tools tab in grasshopper. The problem is when start to set up a grid. Icon remains red no matter what.
do you have any idea how this can be fixed?
just went throught the steps you had posted. no improvement ...
From the little bit that I have seen, it is usually one, (or a combination), of 3 things.
1-paneling tools in rhino is not using the most recent version, (pluginmanager in rhino)
2-there is a mismatch between paneling tools plugin in rhino, and the GH paneling tools GHA.(paneling tools in rhino is updated, grasshopper gha is not...or vice versa).
3-one of the files is "blocked" (right click each individual file in your paneling tools plugin folder, as well as within grasshopper,
I would triple check that you have the latest version of both paneling tools in rhino, AND the grasshopper gha.
That's about all I know. I'm sure rajaa or brian will have a more straight forward answer!
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