
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Gerilla is a plugin for Grasshopper / Rhino that will allow you to run full building energy simulations on using the EnergyPlus simulation engine. It was born in the Product Architecture Lab at Stevens Institute of Technology in Fall of 2011 and is the result of the collaborative efforts of Michael Marvin, Drew Orvieto, and Ben Silverman. Gerilla has been developed as an open source, free to download plugin for Grasshopper (all you have to do is make sure to give us all the credit when you design your next amazing zero energy building).

Currently, Gerilla is still in it’s infancy, and as such we haven’t published the code and plugin to the internet yet, but if you are interested in wrestling the Gerilla feel free to contact us at:

Once things are developed a little further it is our intention to publish the plugin, install files, and libraries out to the net for all to download and enjoy. In the meantime, check out the Gerilla Primer and learn more about this exciting tool!

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Hi again,

I'd like to simulate a simple box with 3 zones. Without windows and with the default construction assembly the simulation starts to run. When I add windows and my own construction is doesn't. Could someone help me to figure out the problem, please?

Thank you very much!



Did you download Gerilla from or somewhere else? I will look into the issue you're having and see what I can come up with.

Thank you very much! That's great!

Yes, I downloaded it from

Interesting plugin!

I would like to help... I have installed gerilla or I think I have but it doesnt work. I followed the instuctions about placing the .gha in the component folder, copied the folder "Gerilla" to C, installed E+v.8 and checked if any files is blocked. It seems right every thing...

Rhino 5.0

GH 0.9.0056

What can it be?




I would like to know if it's possible to do a multi-building analysis e.g. by inputting many separate buildings into the zone component or by somehow specifying various buildings as 'shading elements' with respect to the analyzed building.

Thanks, Emilie  

I’m just starting out with Gerilla – I was able to run the basic ‘tower’ simulation as outlined in your video tutorial, but I can’t seem to find anything that shows how to add windows/openings to the model. Have you posted any tutorials on the window components?



We have not posted any tutorials at this time. Let me look into it and see if we can come up with something to assist you. What's the application you're looking to use the program for?






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