
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there! 

I am trying to use a line source in Grasshopper (with multiple receivers).

I divided the line source into multiple point sources, but the IS block doesn't seem to work for more than one source at a time (1. Solution exception:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index).

Is there a way to model line sources in GH without using an IS block per each point source?

Thanks in advance. 

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Hey there,

Sorry about the delay. This forum doesn't always seem to send me the notifications - that or some of them get filtered by my email.

Unfortunately, I don't really know of a way to perform image source on a line source, but I will think about it. For now, I think you are doing the right thing. It should work. You will just have to activate all the source points when you view the image source paths.


Thanks for your answer Arthur,

I'll try to loop over the different sources.

I have a couple of further questions about Pachyderm for GH:

1) is atmospheric attenuation taken into account in the Direct sound, IS and RT blocks? Or should it be computed explicitly for each path?

2) the Edge Diffraction option in the IS block does not work for me (1. Solution exception:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.). Is that a known problem? 

Thanks a lot.

Looking forward for the "new Pachyderm" to be released.



Hi there.

Yes, atmospheric attention is accounted for.

Yes, that's a known issue. In the rhino interface you will see an 'experimental' tag by the edge diffraction tick box. That's because it's still under development. Sorry for the inconvenience.







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