
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, someone can help me with the sets of these componets?


  • In the Image Source Component, I can’t figure out what’s going on, when I set “Edge Diffraction”. Should be a set Boolean, but when I set Boolean > false > the file crash! If I set it > true > I see the message visible in the window “ Solution Expection: Riferimento a un oggetto non impostato su un istanza di oggetto “ in English something like “Solution exception: object reference not set to an instance of an object”. Why this happen? What I can do?


  • In the Ray Tracing Component, at the voice “ Image Source Order “ what exactly we have to input in this? Is the reflection order? I tried to insert an integer number, but doesn’t work, and appears the same message that I wrote above. Where I am wrong?


Thank you very much to all and to Arthur for all his work.

Kind Regards


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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Giulia,

For the Image Source component, it sounds like you are running into some unusual issues. Try this... is Pachyderm for Rhino loaded before you open grasshopper? Start Rhino fresh, and type Pachyderm_Acoustic into the command prompt, in order to be certain. Then you can start grasshopper. Does the issue still occur?

I would leave edge diffraction turned off for now, for simplicity.

In Ray-Tracing, Image Source Order should be assigned the same number as 'Reflection Order' from the Image Source component. This is so that the Ray-Tracing component will not calculate these reflections. That way, they can be added in later from the image source component, and won't have been counted twice.

Make sense?

So, Galapagos. Please keep me posted on your progress... I will urge you to seek out a mutli-objective method, though. The reason is that you could optimize for single parameter, such as Reverberation time, but this might not lead to the best result. There are other parameters such as strength and clarity which sometimes put pressure on a room in a different direction... hence why multi-objective optimization is needed.

There may still be a grasshopper plugin called Octopus... that might be better suited to acoustical optimization. Also, please seek out the PHD thesis work of Tomas Mendez - Politecnico di Torino.


Hi Arthur,

Thank you for your quick replay, for the interest and suggestion, sure, I will let you know about my progress.

  • For the Ray Tracing component, it makes sense, I got it. Thanks.
  • Ok for Edge Diffraction , I left it, how it is.
  • For the unusual issues that comes in the image source component, so, is it something strange? But, I still have the same issues when I sets any integer component (single or multiple) in the “reflection order” of the image source component, in the “image source order” in the ray tracing component, and again, when I connect the output “Direct sound data” of Direct Sound component in the Energy Time Curve.

Do I wrong something with the integer component? I used it already in the first parts, for sets “grasshopper layers”, in the “Scene” component, but here it works. Should I start with a new file?

  • For the multi-object optimization, thank you for all suggestions. Yes, I red PHD thesis work of Tomas Mendez and the article “ EDT, C80 and G Driven Auditorium design” and still others. Thank you to all these articles, I decided where to focus my thesis.


I understand the potential of Multi-object optimization, and problems that I can finding without using it. Actually, in the beginning of my thesis, I tried to jet in contact with the Politecnico di Torino, but was not easy because I’m not a Politecnico student.


Here, in University of Florence (Building engineering), there isn’t a department or someone that is already familiar with these field of study, so, as you can image, for design my thesis, I can confide on online resources. So far, my Professor suggest me to begin with a Nonlinear Global optimization like Galapagos, and only after see the multi-object. In this way, step by step if something doesn’t work is easier to understand way and where something is going wrong: if are problems due to the setting of the programs, because we are not practical about these, or if there is a wrong in the simulations or in the algorithm and ect.

Do you think is a good way for go on?


Thank you very much,

Kind Regards


Hi Giulia,

If you need guidance with your project to do with genetic algorithms and acoustics, you may email me with the specifics, but you might also reach out to Tomas Mendez Echenagucia, Arianna Astolfi, and/or Louena Shtrepi.

In any case, it will be easier for me to keep track of these if they are in email form. Forum trees can get confusing sometimes.

kind regards,


I just start it to test pachyderm and i'm having the same problems. I cant find out any solution.

Thank you,


I Daniel,

I'm sorry for the late reply.

In my case, I understood that the problem was at the beginning of the algorithm, within the "scene" component.

Maybe it's your case too.
In my case I was wrong in the input "grasshopper layers" in the "scene" component. Probably Rhino in the absence of correct information, creates a layer himself, but this, is not associated with a material, so, here it is the bug. But, we see the bug only at the end, when we need the room model in the "Ray tracing data" component.

Hope this can help you.



Hi Giulia, I'm sorry too. I actually found the solution.

The problem was related with the sound source and the receiver placement in the rhino scene. I wasn't inserting the receiver and the sound source "points" with the pachyderm acoustic's commands. I simply created rhino points and assigned them in grasshopper.

After I realized and changed that, my algorithm worked fine.

Thank you for the reply!!!


Daniel Horta

Hi Daniel,

I'm glad you figured out how to get your algorithm working. I'm sorry I lost track of your message.

Next time, please post specifics regarding your problem.

kind regards,


Hi Arthur,

In this year of 2018, I'll be using Pachyderm Acoustics a lot for my academic projects and it is really cool to know that I'll be able to get your support directly.

Thank you so much, and sorry for not specifying my problem.

Kind regards,







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