
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Rob,

Would you please give me a brief explanation on the settings.

I would like to record my screen as I am running the optimization using octopus, but the result of each iteration comes as goes in the speed of light and I cannot record and visualize anything. I am using DIVA and two components that I have created , one for geometry and another one for analyzing the results of DIVA.



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Hello Naciem,

do you want to record all solutions that are tried, or just the solution-space-viewport within octopus?

Besides using CAM-studio for screen-capturing in variable FPS, you can also just go through the history with the slider beneath the viewport once a run is ended or a history is loaded from a file ..

the update-interval in the advanced settings just determines, independent of the actual speed of evaluation, how often the screen is updated (roughly). if you set it to a low value the screen could start flickering with fast setups, but you could ensure to catch every generation's results then (which is not the case by default, but does not matter most of the time). anyway by going through the history manually you can look at every stage of the evolutionary process, as i said.



Hi Robert,

I increased the "millisecond to update solution-screen" to 10000 from default 700 and it is still doing the same thing. Please see attached the video and my settings. And I always click on "save history".





the  "millisecond to update solution-screen" mean the time after which the window of octopus is updated.. so the smaller the more often.

if you leave the window of rhino maximized during the process it will take MUCH longer to calculate, because GH has to update the screen every time. this often goes up to a factor of 10-100 times of slowing down the process, depending on the geometry you are previewing.







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